Just reassuring you, looks perfectly healthy to me. Those leaves will eventually turn brown and drop and replace new young leaves. I hope you find everything you read here to be helpful, informative, and something that can make your gardening journey the most lovely experience ever! The tree spends immense energy sucking nutrients from the soil and transporting them to flowers. Don't over prune young trees, unless it's to remove dead or damaged branches. The deficiency of water during bloom adversely affects fruit retention as a result of water stress abscisic acid is accumulated and ethylene biosynthesis resulted in fruit drop in mango. The leaves can grow anywhere from six to sixteen inches long and are a dark green color when mature. Look for the warmest part of your yard, which is likely to be the south side of your house. Nutrient elements in plants are required for plant fertility, especially if the plants are entering the flowering period. If the infection is a severe spray, the proper pesticide. The tree fruit may fall if there was cold weather during bloom and fruit set. If you give a mango tree a potent fertilizer or use too much, your tree may suffer from fertilizer burn and lose its leaves. It is drooping its leaves. The new shoots are reddish, the mature leaves a dark green. gray or yellow? Control - One spray with copper oxychloride about 3g/liter or application of 250 g copper sulfate per three basins will contain the malady to a great extent. A few days ago I checked on it and it looked fine. Fallen plant matter twigs, leaves, flowers, and fruits are a food source for fungi and pests, and will increase the chance of future problems. This second type starts with a tint of brown more or less everywhere and then it gets darker and darker all over the leaf. :-( . Copyright 2023, GardeningTips | All Rights Reserved.