It shows you how powerful propaganda is. He was a killer there is nothing fake about it too many pictures show the results of his murders of children and their parents plus the thousands of others he murdered. I find it surprising that a cadre of Jews have not financed an expedition to personally locate, interrogate, and dismember her children and grand children while she watched. The Holocaust: Who are the missing million? The Fhrer was a true gift to the German people, he opened eyes to a new and better world that someday will come, like a phoenix. After they were captured, Gudrun and her mother were put in jail after jail and left with nothing. This does not fit with the Allied version of extermination of the Jews. I saw the gardens, trees, hospital, baths, quarters, and theater rooms. After the allied victory, she was arrested and m.. 'Princess of Nazism': Gudrun Burwitz is keeping her father's memory alive, Nazi sympathiser: Gudrun Burwitz waves in the most recent picture in 2011, Daddy's girl: With father Heinrich at a Berlin stadium a year before the war in 1938, Family fun: The Himmlers at the time Heinrich was masterminding death, Death camp: 36,000 people were murdered at Dachau by the Nazis, Lord of death: Heinrich Himmler during the war. There are those who disagree, saying that National Socialism was hateful, racist, divisive, and pure evil, you do not believe this to be factual? He was always so kind and spoke to me as if everything I said to him meant a lot. The Fhrer was a true gift to the German people, he opened eyes to a new and better world that someday will come, like a phoenix. Life of Gudrun. Gudrun: I was around many if not all of the high leaders of the SS, so you could say I know more about the organization my father founded than most. The commander laughed that the prisoners lived better than he did. There are those who disagree, saying that National Socialism was hateful, racist, divisive, and pure evil, you do not believe this to be factual? I saw the gardens, trees, hospital, baths, quarters, and theater rooms. The daughter of top Nazi Heinrich Himmler was hired by West Germany's foreign intelligence agency (BND) in the 1960s, officials have confirmed. Gudrun Burwitz, dubbed the 'Princess of Nazism', keeps the Holocaust mastermind's ideals alive by helping other Nazis evade justice. I just do what I can when I can. Her husband was more forthright. Therefore, Germany, like many other nations, moved aliens whom were deemed a threat to the war effort to areas where they could be concentrated together and watched. Himmler was to have an examination of his mouth on May 23. It was a strange feeling, my father was very high up in the Reich government but yet I felt, and my father reinforced this, that we were part of the people, no better and no worse. He always commented on my clothes and hair, he said I behaved as a German girl should, always proper and polite. Obviously the woman has a problem she was taught hatred from her parents and can not let it go. So if I may, let me ask a pointed question, if National Socialism was so good and peaceful, why were so many people opposed to German rule? Therefore, my father respected the Church, many SS officers were Catholic, and he had no wish to anger Christians. Mr Hechelhammer said the organisation did not ordinarily discuss current and former employees but was making an exemption because Burwitz had died. You are, I am sure, referring to the Jews. Stille Hilfe was quite simply an organization created to help fight for pensions for former SS men who served their nation in time of war. The prisoners were very friendly, I asked one man who was a communist how he liked the camp; he of course said he would rather be home, but life here was not terrible. AN INSIGHT INTO TOTALITARIAN THOUGHT. My father was key in using his police to root out Germans who worked for the Allies, it took the July 20th attempt to help find them all, and they had by this time made many contacts. He always commented on my clothes and hair, he said I behaved as a German girl should, always proper and polite. BERLIN (AP) Germany's foreign intelligence agency has declassified documents regarding its employment of the daughter of top Nazi Heinrich Himmler as a secretary in the early 1960s, the country's top-selling newspaper reported Thursday. I would often go with my mother to buy ingredients for dishes that we would cook together; every family was encouraged to eat together and share. It became lazy, drenched in liberal thought, even suggesting homosexuals should be allowed in society, and that race does not matter to the creator who created the races. My father saw to it that he came to the Reich and ended up adopted by a German family who lost their son in Poland. When Gudrun found out that her father had committed suicide, the fifteen-year-old suffered a psychological and medical breakdown. National Socialism was born a hard birth and died a fiery death, but it must happen that way to waken more of our racial brethren than what Germany had the power to do. They are infiltrating kindergartens, schools and other organisations. We are leaps and bounds ahead of any other peoples, including the advanced Orientals. We wished no ill will on any other people, but we demanded they leave us alone. Burwitz never disavowed Nazism and defended her father's reputation. We arrived and were greeted by prisoners along with the camp commander. I saw the gardens, trees, hospital, baths, quarters, and theater rooms. The SS idea was to turn our people back to their roots from where they came and away from the modern Judeo church whom was seen as a destructive Trojan horse to weaken the people, and turn them from their God. The real reason he was killed was that he was so good; the English then spread disinformation to us saying it was Czech partisans rising up with help from the people. I heard my father give orders that life in the transit and prison camps be made comfortable and tolerable for the prisoners. This made no sense to my father, as Jews have not had any of the marks of a creative, industrious people. the father ok was a peace of shit but her. No conversation about National Socialism is complete without talking about the Jews, and the crimes they claim to be victims of. She was free to have another choice. Her lineage remains a threat to humanity. My mother and I never had official notification of his death. Nature is clear about that, the problem, or question is who he is. Fortunately, he was exposed as a fraud, a liar, and an inept amateur. Gudrun Himmler is the recognized princess of the Third Reich and one of Germany's most famous girls during the war, the daughter of the Reichsfuehrer. We loved our people, nation, and creator. Burwitz-Himmler's father led the paramilitary SS, which oversaw the Nazis' system of concentration camps and death camps. Heydrich brought National Socialist ideas to the people and vastly started to improve their lives during a war in which everyone had to sacrifice. Whenever I saw him, I always received a gift whether it was food or a book. -|- -|-Ursula H.-Interview with a BDM girl who worked with Ukrainian farmers for the 1942 harvest. Nothing sinister in this either. They were terrified of her, said Andrea Ropke, an authority on neo-Nazism who was there. We Europeans took his name; hence, every European nation is a Christian nation. Delicious Aryan traits, good manners and the best contacts with the dome of Nazism made the daughter of Heihrich Himmler the de facto princess of . [Above: Heinrich and Gudrun Himmler at an official event in 1938]. Gudrun: Be clear in what you are stating. National Socialism was born due to a nation being plundered and taken advantage of, with the people lacking the proper will to live and fight for their future. My father did not hate the Church or persecute the Church. Gudrun: No, I heard enough evidence by speaking with my fathers friends and those who were with him until the end. They were then able to convince leaders that the Bible really is about the Jew and not about Europeans; we are only secondary along with all other gentiles. Even though the ruthless interrogations at the Nuremberg trials: She vowed herself to him. Many children of Nazi monsters Rudolf Hess, Hans Frank, the brutal governor of Poland, Martin Bormann turned their backs on their fathers and their sins when adulthood made them aware of their crimes. Gudrun Himmler, the daughter of Heinrich Himmler and Margarete Himmler, was born on 8th August, 1929. You no doubt are referring to my fathers good friend Reinhard Heydrich when you speak of Czechoslovakia. My father's concern was that in just the last 200 years Jews have wormed their way into our religion, even to the point of working on translating parts of the Bible to suit their needs. Nothing sinister, evil, or wrong with protecting your people and nation during times of war. How do you feel about those who tried to kill Hitler? I have had people reach out to the men who claim they buried my father to see if they can lead us to his grave. Our people, the Europeans, have created all the great civilizations, have set foot on every continent, and have brought great good to the whole world. Gudrun Margarete Elfriede Emma Anna Burwitz was the daughter of Heinrich Himmler and Margaret Himmler. The Allies claim the entire SS was a criminal organization, killing Jews, surrendered soldiers, civilians, and every other group. You need building up, she would tell the weak sadist as she stroked his hands. In his last week, one of Adolf Hitlers most senior lieutenants was on the run, hiking around northern Germany disguised as a soldier, his moustache shaved off and a patch on one eye. What was your father's view regarding religion and Christianity? My father once said that SS generals should have been put in charge like Sepp Dietrich and Paul Hausser, and then the war may have had a different outcome, he felt many army officers lacked a firm belief in being able to win against such odds. I was around my father often, even during the war, if there was a state plan to kill Jews I would have heard it, even if by accident. I am still with this organization and was happy that your President Reagan visited Bitburg where many SS men rest to lay a wreath. You are, I am sure, referring to the Jews. She had job after job in shattered post-war Germany and lost them all when people learned who she was. The Fhrer and those around him saw the problems, identified what was causing the problems, and showed the solution to solve the problems. I heard my father give orders that life in the transit and prison camps be made comfortable and tolerable for the prisoners. Crazy people. Germany's foreign intelligence agency has declassified documents regarding its employment of the daughter of top Nazi Heinrich Himmler as a secretary in the early 1960s, the country's top-selling newspaper reported Thursday. But Gudrun is different. The Allies claim the entire SS was a criminal organization, killing Jews, surrendered soldiers, civilians, and every other group. She was born on August 8, 1929 and died on May 24, 2018 at the symbolic age of 88. He was always so kind and spoke to me as if everything I said to him meant a lot. He always commented on my clothes and hair, he said I behaved as a German girl should, always proper and polite. Gudrun: Be clear in what you are stating. There were many partisans and criminals who were killed, some in the camps and some after being rounded up, but this had nothing to do with exterminating a race. It is too bad we were not given the luxury of being able to un-occupy these people and turn them over to true National Socialist leaders. He did however want people to see another side of the Church that was not healthy for the people. It was also opened to any woman who became pregnant but was not married, and whose family may have disapproved. Whenever I saw him, I always received a gift whether it was food or a book. He commissioned studies of our history, to trace the footsteps of our ancestors, where did they originate and why were they so intelligent and advanced when other races stayed the same? The blood and soil concept was a back to the roots of our ancestors' idea; it was in this that our gene pool would be repaired. I heard my father give orders that life in the transit and prison camps be made comfortable and tolerable for the prisoners. She has become the godmother to far-right womens groups. The German Christians were a good start, and my father attended many services by pastors who understood the Jewish influence on the Christian religion was not a good thing and led to false teachings. Later he always gave me a box of chocolates.. They were afraid of fate where SS men were fearless and stared fate in the eyes. We loved our people, nation, and creator. Gudrun: Yes I did, in 1941 my father asked me to come with him so I could see how prisoners were getting along in Germanys largest and oldest camp. At that time the organisation was under the control of Reinhard Gehlen, a former Nazi military intelligence commander who left the BND in 1968. What did you know about the Ahnenerbe, Wewelsburg, and the Lebensborn? This was in 1941, when we were supposed to be killing them all. A Being is responsible for life, that is very easy to see because of what it is, nature and the beauty of the earth. To teach hatred and allow it keeps this world in a state of where we will never grow to a peaceful existence. German Tabloid Bild reported on her post-war involvement with the BND on Friday, following her death in Munich last month. Because he knew so much and could disprove all Allied claims against Germany and the Fhrer, he was killed on Churchills orders I believe, to keep him from talking. Tracked down to the Munich suburb of Furstenried, where she lives in a maisonette with her husband Wolf-Dieter, Gudrun Burwitz is as reticent now as she has been ever since becoming the Princess of Nazism, as a leading historian has called her. They have no idea they were the evil ones, fighting an evil war against an innocent nation and its people. During Gudruns time with Stille Hilfe the group has eased the way into society for many Nazi war criminals, including Klaus Barbie, the Gestapo Butcher of Lyon, and Erich Priebke, SS murderer of Italian partisans. You are, I am sure, referring to the Jews. As my father would say, we fought evil with light, guided by the spirit of our ancestors and the heroes of old. The Ahnenerbe studied all aspects and theories of creation and evolution, the origin of races and traced the paths of the early Aryans who went on to form the twelve main tribes of European nations. I dont believe he swallowed that poison capsule, she said. The Fuhrer was likewise very fond of children and animals. Gudrun, now 85, knows it well, for she used to visit it as a child with her father, who called her Puppi, meaning Doll. There was nothing sinister about any of these organizations. These homes gave women a safe haven to prepare for birth and stay after birth. Nothing sinister about looking into your past to see about improving your future. Then on May 21 they ran into a patrol of freed Russian PoWs checking people on the road. He was wrong in this, and our captors mistreated us. The released documents confirm the agency was well aware of who Burwitz-Himmler was and helped her negotiate a contract with a German newspaper for an interview as well as payment. One picture has her laughing and joking as he looks on adoringly. Between May 3 and 11 the group moved south, sleeping in barns, fields and deserted stations. My father hated seeing death in wartime, but he was a policeman who knew his duty and knew what he asked of his officers was a hard duty, but when people break the laws of war, and kill innocents, they too must be held accountable and those who help them. My father once said that SS generals should have been put in charge like Sepp Dietrich and Paul Hausser, and then the war may have had a different outcome, he felt many army officers lacked a firm belief in being able to win against such odds. I was around my father often, even during the war, if there was a state plan to kill Jews I would have heard it, even if by accident. This was in 1941, when we were supposed to be killing them all. He did not believe Field Marshal Rommel had anything to do with the traitors but sadly, a few in the officer corps had been infiltrated. He did however want people to see another side of the Church that was not healthy for the people. It became lazy, drenched in liberal thought, even suggesting homosexuals should be allowed in society, and that race does not matter to the creator who created the races. Some went to South America looking for evidence of Europeans there as well as in America. Life in the transit and prison camps be made comfortable and tolerable for the prisoners men to! Gave me a box of chocolates other Nazis evade justice group moved south, sleeping barns. Did however want people to see another side of the Church that not... Rest to lay a wreath always commented on my clothes and hair he. After birth terrified of her, said Andrea Ropke, an authority on neo-Nazism who was.! To have an examination of his death him, I always received a gift it... Nazis evade justice with nothing a box of chocolates mother and I never had official notification of death. Left with nothing 's view regarding religion and Christianity me a box of chocolates baths, quarters and! 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