Little Rock, AR Providence, RI God bless. So, to your point upon which we disagree, issues matter not-only the Faith matters. The full details of what happened at Fisher Moore College need to be made public. I love piokolby and others here enough to point out that they may be sinning themselves by their polemics and lack of prudent speech. It might seem like a small misfortune, but that Colleges demise illustrates in spades the traps awaiting any future independent and stridently Catholic apostolate that seeks to foster unity among the trad diaspora. I got news for all of us here. It has been mine too, coming in from the opposite direction, if you will. Mr. Miguel Flores-Perez ('02), and Rev. We covered this recently enough, so I wont go into more detail here. The college (despite having some good faculty and staff) was on track to die either way, and that cannot be laid all at the feet of the bishop, or the FSSP at Mater Dei. In my experience Ive found them to be extremely obedient people who were obedient as children. I remember every word and it is my expectation that Father Wolfe will find someone else to host all the sermons he has been preaching but have not been posted publicly since the sad split with Audio Sancto. I hope thats OK. For example, I dont think that grasping issues, as you put it, Alarico is at all key or even important. If he so desired, in this year of mercy, to also grant them jurisdiction, TMAHICH could do so. All of these evils, in fact, are their responsibility. Gerard Saguto (US District Superior) and Fr. It long predated the actions in question of either of them. It can be done, but always with a view that charity is the FIRST item ticked off. these are mostly priests that *belonged* to the SSPX. That should be past tense, i.e. Not even one? A commenter on Twitter recently asked me if I am "officially a sedevacantist.". The illness of a spouse or child, the moving away of a close friend, the loss of a job or health can all be real motivating factors to help us realize the genuine value of something. I, too, had learned much from Fr. May God love you. And what does Taylor Marshalls video have to do with the closing? The best way is to always talk about principles not personalities. We are blessed to be able to host Fr. El Paso, TX *** Here, let it not be said that the interior of anyone is being judged. I implore you to never cease telling your story. And we must distinguish between the two. We are semi-contemplative Marian Sisters, which means that, while we pray the full Divine Office in common and have 1-1/2 hour of mental prayer each day, we also . This is a very short description and in no way represents all the opinions of these groups listed. But I am going to check your topics before I read further. I found it on the New Liturgical Movement website. The worst criticism of the SSPX sure comes from the Novus Ordo Traditionalists. His position hardened somewhat in his final years (during which, I might maintain, he probably still would have sprung for either the 2000 or 2012 structure deals offered to Fellay, based on what I know of them), but the fact is that he really did try to work obediently if it would be allowed, even to a papacy that was increasingly singing a modernist hymn. Also, the cardinal mentioned Fr. Maybe thats whats got him in a tizzy. You do not have to rehash your reasons why you hate Mr. Matts opinion as I just re-read your words and the responders here on this link: Even Pope St. Pius X refrained from making that kind of judgment against the modernists, even as he condemned them with great force in Pascendi. His temporal concerns; nothing more, nothing less. We wait for the coming of the Son of God-made-Man, the focal point of all history, the only God there is, born to hang on a Cross and redeem us from our sins. Nothing is credible in the Church apart from Christ who lives in it with us; if we do not believe Christ is God, then we never believe in the truths that flow from that and have had tremendous impact on us the Holy Trinity, the Holy Eucharist, the Resurrection, the forgiveness of sins. You do not have a right to hear anymore from me. That man left MUCH to be desired..even my 18 year old son (at the time) was appalled by the mans evasiveness over extremely serious matters of the Faith. This has happened more than once in America. Let Voris live in his blissful world. Richard M, These latest round of attacks is the fruit of Father Wolfes influence that is a manifestly provable fact. Dear Adam 95, With Thanksgiving Day, many are (or were, depending on where you live) looking forward to getting together at home and spending time with family and friends. Register Now. Faithful Catholics do not have time to be having this debate with the Synod just around the corner. In any case, the plagiarized text (as alleged in the link above) is taken from a sermon given by Fr. Then I would place bells and whistles around the comment! Catholics are watching and waiting. Baptism and Confirmation have left an indelible mark on our souls that can never be erased, courtesy of the Holy Ghost, from which Christ identifies us as citizens of His Kingdom and belonging to Him. Brookville, IN The modernists are suborning the so-called traditionalists. There are some whose position gives them the duty to point out faults. The 1974 Declaration of Archbishop Lefebvre makes clear where the SSPX stands: The FSSP is also responsible for the break up of several Catholic marriages. Barbara, Thanks to their refusal to travel with so many others in the direction of heterodoxy on a road that is paved with the ambiguities and errors of Vatican II and the protestantized rite that grew out of it, the sinful men running the show in Rome, the pope included, are seeing to it that the SSPX is denied formal jurisdiction. Little Rock, AR Will the FSSP issue a public statement in support of the SSPX and debunk the schism myth? A cardinal such as Cardinal Burke should speak the truth no matter what the modernist destroyers want. Servant of Our Lady,, On its face, this isnt a difficult distinction to comprehend, but the reason so many find it difficult is very simple: As Catholics we are wired to follow our leaders, especially the pope, just as a child is wired to trust its mother. FSSP Missions Indeed, contrary to what some may hear about us, we sedevacantists in reality live amidst other Catholics in peace & gracious commaraderie. **********Breaking News********** This takes a toll on an aging trad & many times that is apparent. Im happy to let people know what led me to the place where I currently stand. ARCHDIOCESAN SYNOD 2022 And then theres Archbishop Lefebvre, who was more than willing to work within diocesan and canonical frameworks when he erected the SSPX, and asked for nothing more than that when he met with Paul VI. With Advent upon us, the evident threats posed from the secular world compel us all to make concerted efforts to keep Jesus as the reason for the season.. Having said that, it is a bit disappointing having come to the knowledge that full disclosure on this site has given, to know that Fr. Thank you for your kind response which I believe to be as sincere as my question. So whats the opposite of human respect, piety? Ive done that in this space many times, speaking of how I once naively believed one thing about the Council, the Mass and even the SSPX, only to have my eyes opened to the truth. Saguto for a series of conferences over three days, beginning Thursday, August 11th through Saturday, August 13th. Sacrificate sacrificium justitiae, et sperate in Domino, Telephone: (570) 842-4000Fax: (570), Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter450 Venard RoadSouth Abington Township, PA 18411, SupportPrivacy PolicyMachine Readable Files, Adjutorium Program (Masses for Living and Deceased Members), Webinar Today: St. John Bosco Camp Application Launch. Since I am not under religious vows, my opportunities for disobedience are rather limited, since I otherwise adhere to all traditional teachings of the Church. Quite honestly, few of us can giggle today, no? As you say, hopefully someday he will be humble enough to admit his error. Servant of Our Lady, IMHO what you point out is important. In the event that a request were made in the future, the present restrictions on Father Sagutos ministry could only be lifted after our normal review process, which would have to include a recommendation from the Ministerial Review Board of the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis, Archbishop Hebda added. Dear de Maria nunquam satis, Father Saguto began serving as All Saints pastor in August 2018. *** Dwelling in their castle of self-righteousness, they are blinded & cannot see that courageous Catholics like yourself will risk all to protect another Catholic from experiencing degradation at the hands of a wolf in sheeps clothing. North American Headquarters, South Abington Twp, PA. The second item is that the correction is desired, and the recipient is open to the correction. Gruner were very sensational to say the least. We are not just dealing with infighting we are dealing with Satanic attacks by false brethren and wolves in sheeps clothing. It answers a lot of questions I had in my mind. Saguto FSSP on Saturday, October 7, 2017. Their stuff & stance is indicative of the serious problem with the FSSP-that being they are fully signed on to the Modernist Sect & are part of it. North American Headquarters, South Abington Twp, PA You have entered an incorrect email address! The way it is done here by poikolby and some others is NOT the Catholic way taught by Jesus Himself. The FSSP was founded on heresy and lies and it shows now all these years later. Springdale, AR They accept the council and while there are priests that personally may object even tell certain parishiners this or that they have by joining one of these groups accepted romes position that the second vatican council is part of the church and tradition. Denver, CO Dear john6, Harrisburg, PA I do get it that your comment here was not meant to be an intensive treatise. St. Catharines, ON The obituary was featured in Newsday on June 14, 2009. Will you also look at the links I posted above? Whether an FSSP supporter is willing to admit it or not, he implicitly accepts the orthodoxy, legitimacy and/or intrinsic goodness of the Novus Ordo, ecumenism, religious liberty, communion in the hand, liturgical dance, server-ettes, The abandoning took place with the founding document ecclesia dei in 1988 and was made more clear in 2003 with the FSSP constitutions. One single Traditional Catholic College in the whole United States operating with the approval of the local ordinary was just too much to ask. I disagree with you, however, that the FSSP should be avoided. Regarding group #5, you said 5th group SSPX RESISTENCE 2012/2013 these are mostly priests that belong to the SSPX. But they are for the most part Catholic. He knows very well (as he and I had discussed in some detail on more than one occasion) that the SSPX came about as a very direct response to the errors of the Second Vatican Council and the deplorable theology of the Novus Ordo Missae. Post navigation The benefit and usefulness of suffering is evident in such instances, at least in hindsight. But just bc it ought to be further delineatd in that separate category for clarity which would take a minute. It was taking the faith seriously that led me to become sedevacantist and it is taking the faith seriously, that my family is going to hell (literally) which led me to break contact with them (as Jesus Christ directs us to do see Matt 18). Nothing more and probably less. Sacramento, CA Wolfe (as many on the ground have informed me and will likely attest here in the comment section) adopted a rather personal, and some would say unhealthy, animosity toward the SSPX. Springdale, AR Faith is a gift. Saguto was removed for violating rules about not being alone with a minor apparently. Do you have any insight on this? Which I know some people here do. El Paso, TX Harrisburg, PA or Will they remain under the standard of Satan? Ottawa, ON FSSP Missions To be a contributing part of this effort requires that our Lord possesses a key place in our hearts. Tyler, TX Then he has the gall to post this video: all this after what happened at Fisher Moore College! Saguto, FSSP in the recording. The glad tidings of Christmas should be obvious to anyone who believes. God bless you. The circumstances surrounding the departure of the French-Canadian priest from the Fraternity were a mystery. That is why the status of the SSPX is, at this time, technically an internal matter. Once there is a formal declaration of schism, it changes the rules of engagement from an internal to an external matter. Michael Saguto passed away in New York, New York. The details of this local conflict arent important, but what is important to know is that Fr. I dont follow Mr. Voris. Confraternity of St. Peter Maple Hill, KS Subjectively, the pope will recognize their jurisdiction at that point. Quincy, IL Pequannock, NJ Gerard Saguto (US District Superior) and Fr. In exercising one of mine here, it must be said that the Dimond Bros. teach against several Sent.certa teachings of Holy Mother Church. Dear piokolby, Voris has so applied his intellect. Sunday Masses will . Francis called a protestant minister his brother bishopthe man has an entirely different concept of sacraments, sin, church, juristiction, etc. So, what exactly will change at the stroke of twelve? The Pope grants (to what he may consider the schismatic) SSPX jurisdiction to grant absolution. It is a reaction to the dreadful years after the Second Vatican Council which is getting worse by the minute. Terry, for his part, quickly took on what my friend called his own jihad against the SSPX shortly thereafter. Thank you for discussing it. English-speaking Chaplain . Hopefully, if they no longer agree with the direction of the SSPX they havent remained to poison the well as it were. . This is true. What I am not getting into is the subjective faith and morals of the Priests of the FSSP and the laymen who attend their parishes. What exactly is a Novus Ordo Traditionalist? Someone who favors a reform of the Reform N.O., or someone who attends a TLM as authorized under Summorum Pontificum? Catholics are watching and waiting. This, for the love of God & the goal of conversion. arochial Vicar and Assistant Pastor; a man who Mr. Carroll clearly idolized. ****** Father Gerard Saguto, F.S.S.P. Interesting insight. Zachary Akers (FSSP Director of Development) on the Fraternity's new album, "Requiem". Placed on leave in 11/18 after a man reported to the diocese 9/26 that Bouchard sexually abused him as a boy, ages 9-11. At least warn Catholics who cross our path. As , albeit indirectly, pointed out in a discussion with my2cents below, trads have 2 things in common: they love the so called latin mass & they revile sedevacantists. Richmond, VA Fr. 1st group attend the new mass at local parishes this ranges from sunday catholics too conservative and everything in between can comprise of people who dont make good use of the sacraments to parish council types , eucharistic ministers etc. I dont say any of this as a criticism of those attending and supporting SSPX chapels, or even their clergy, which also includes some fine priests. One reason for our personal blind spots and missing the obvious can be a lack of courage to face ourselves. Hello: I am a sedevacantist. * Sunday Mass at St. Paul's College Chapel, Ponsonby. 4. than we do. (opposite to voris) I would imagine quite the opposite, im sure this approach has caused louie a great deal of problems as of late. I am only asking this question in the hope that you can shed some light on this kind of behavior. Nevertheless, I address you here not out of disrespect, but simply because the sedevacantist position is almost always inaccurately sketched out and characterized here & elsewhere. I suggest you show more charity to Catholics. If we want to be charitable, we could possibly say that its because of the treatment of sedevacantists described above, that a small number of sedes respond to other trads in a kind of a backlash mode, if you will. Hello john6. Call Father Wolfe and ask him about the SSPX! Rapid City, SD To suggest in such a snide, sarcastic, evil way that these two movements by the FSSP are in any way related to the controversy here or on Church Militant is beyond the pale. It includes those who, through no or >>limited<>>limited<<< fault of their own. These attacks are coming from the FSSP, opus dei and novus ordo clerics working with them. Saguto? Wolfe has apparently been rather willing to speak about Vatican II in strongly condemnatory terms, and he also openly criticized Pope Francis in various sermons, although typically on weekdays when they are not recorded. Well, I suppose I am one of them, then though I would characterize myself as more than prefer since I exclusively attend the TLM (save for an occasional Melkite liturgy, I suppose), either through an Ecclesia Dei society or diocesan priest, depending on where I am. It has all been discussed in detail in the comment section on the above link, about half way down the page. There are some very holy FSSP priests who truly care about the souls of their parishioners. The majority do beleive there were true popes since 1958. Saguto FSSP arrives in Seattle the week of October 1st and will begin offering Mass at St. Joseph Chapel (located in the Josephinum) until a more permanent location is found. I assume, perhaps wrongly, that anyone who engages in any way with the Dimonds espouses their stance against Church teaching on BOD and BOB & other things I'll not mention here but you know what they are , I hope. Hope it may help someone to understand the complexity of it all. Dallas, TX Saguto, Fr. Tragically the position ruling the evidence mode into which the SSPX has morphed is a hook that draws, as in removing a vaudeville performer from a stage . Our Holy Faith often falls victim to being taken for granted. (Both Voris and Marshall refer to JPII and John XXIII as saints - big red flag!). The upcoming Synod will be a real evil. The Catholic Church has not released a public list of clergy members who have been credibly accused of sexual misconduct or assault. We know where these attacks are coming from they are coming from the standard of Satan. Sedevacantist bishops & priests interract with other Catholics, be they SSPX, those who are in diocesan life, etc. Today, he is unwilling even to address those specific conciliar propositions that are so clearly at odds with the tradition of the Church, and why this is the case isnt exactly a mystery. Over the course of the last three days, Michael Voris has put his unholy obsession with the SSPX on display via some 30 minutes of video (with the promise of more to come) featuring over four thousand words a portion of which was allegedly plagiarized (but more on that in a moment. No wonder then, that at the beginning of the liturgical year the Church employs the imperative Excita Stir up! Things had got worse since 1970 and the SSPX Was trying to compromise its previous postion on the council with rome order to be accepted by rome. The reality is that, regardless of what Bishop Olson did in taking away the right to TLM from the college (and failing to provide any alternative), Fisher More was in a terminal state due to imprudent financial decisions made by the administration. FSSP International Priestly Fraternity of St, Peter (FSSP) poses a whole slew of ecclesiological, doctrinal and moral problems. That a priest who knows that Peter has forbidden him from offering the Sacrifice of the Mass would be so presumptive as to thumb his nose at the Vicar of Christ and say his superiors have given him permission is terrifying terrifying for the soul of that priest. I hope for the sake of the salvation of souls and the good of the Church that the whole story is known. There are validly consecrated priests & bishops worldwide to shepherd & provide (valid-it must be noted,) Sacraments to the faithful by the thousands. Even the Drumm narrative at the link admits that much just as it concedes that they really did make some bad hiring decisions. But if the situation is such that no connection whatsoever with the rest of the Church can be justified, then what you really have to be advocating is full-blown sedevacantism. BTW, thanks for the link to the tradcatknight. Church. All in all, the time table laid out herein is accurate. This is a defense of the SSPX not an attack on FSSP or Father Wolfe, personally. Saguto is an excellent priest but he needs to stop perpetuating this lie and he needs to order his priests to do the same. I didnt see you mention (granted -perhaps I missed it?) Those who think this group is the anti-christ will not be moved from that position. Saguto, time for adoration and confessions, and a Rosary walk. ******** Following post talks about SSPX censorship of sermon criticizing Francis: Objectively, absolutely nothing will change whatsoever, which brings me back to Fr. 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