What if you could pick your schedule next year; what would it look like ideally? Tap into that. Theres a difference in feeling capable at a job and feeling that you thrive in it. It's true that you need to learn how everything runs and that the buck's final home is on your desk. The assistant principalship is incredibly rewarding. A newly appointed English department chair in a suburban high school arranged for some funds and bought a new couch to replace a ramshackle plaid sofa in the faculty room. It is easy to be drawn to imitate those we admire. Participate in a chat on Twitter (#APChat) to connect, lead a book study, or develop a cohort of colleagues with whom to reflect. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. He smiled as I rattled off a laundry list of items I both knew I needed to accomplish and that I would never have time to actually fulfill. The pupil personnel director, school counselors, and school psychologists can assist in establishing and maintaining a healthy social and emotional school climate. Principals need to manage just how accessible they are, especially with regard to text messages, voicemails, and emails. z"4Nbk%KzT\G,\OEj`rt Be sure to make frequent visits to all classrooms. They are critical for teachers and students, teachers and parents, parents and administrators, and administrators and teachers. 354 0 obj <>stream Visibility 2.0 is about engaging in conversations with others to increase the value of your presence. That makes a difference. Assign . And this is OKbecause it has to be. So youre son will be a freshman here next year; whats he excited about? In larger school systems, a head teacher principal is often assisted by someone known as a vice-principal, deputy principal, or assistant/associate principal. I remind myself that this list isnt anyone elses worry or focus, and that in every moment, I need to be present. How does the school celebrate holidays and staff birthdays? When I began as principal, I offered time for staff to come to visit with me, either on their own or with their teammates. As the days went by in my first year as an assistant principal, I was reminded often how much I did not know. When youre in the trenches, its easy to lose sight of the great potential you have for making a difference. So it would be better to use that time to extend the other 3 lunch periods. Relationships are important. Get to know everyone on a personal level. Announces the first assistant principal checklist is the worst of a meeting with this is the upcoming year! Where are you doing your best work? New principals need to walk the talk. It is important that a new principal be aware of his or her leadership style and adjust it when situations call for it. 2. Do something to engage in a different way. The collective wisdom of your staff is invaluable. However, before you dive into the waters of change, make sure you know where the rocks are and which sharks lurk close to the surface. The beginning of the school year is one of the busiest, most demanding times of the year. Each person with whom you work has a personal story, family, and dreams. This information is critical to preparing and retaining new administrators, and support to succeed. Discover ASCD's Professional Learning Services. Thank those parents and teachers who were part of the interview process. Principal's Checklist August 2018 QUOTE OF THE MONTH People may hear your words, but they feel your attitude. The most important lesson in leadership is, be you. Authenticity, including recognizing our strengths and weaknesses, makes us better leaders. He recently was selected by the School Administrators Association of New York State to receive its 1999-2000 New York State Distinguished Assistant Principal of the Year Award. Use an entry plan as a new principal to determine a baseline and goals and set expectations. This is definitely a resource to re-read and refer to in the future. The contract is signed; you have a key to the office and a floor plan of the school. What are some of the items on the first . Be sure your system supports the principal and periodically celebrates and acknowledges his or her dedication, hard work, and value to the school district. Thanks for offering up that reminder here. An AP needs a foundation of credibility before he can earn the relational capital that creates trust. Field Tip: Try trash can diplomacy. At lunch, take the trash cans around the cafeteria to collect trash from students. Since then, I have always tried to get a head start on finishing my end-of-the-year checklist. If you'd like to share your own thoughts, start a blog and disseminate your posts through Facebook or possibly via email. The superintendent can serve as a great resource to a new principal to help him or her recognize and understand the political influence of the various power brokers in the community. Is she enjoying college like she thought she would? Often its the small kindnesses that make a difference in a teachers day. TRANSITION However possible, transition into your new position before your first day. The work of building a really good school is an endless journey. At an early faculty meeting, present an aggregation of these conversations, telling staff, "This is what I heard you saying. Field Tip: Color code your calendar. Drawing on research that identifies where these programs often fall short, the report offers five . These are great. Joanne Rooney has contributed to Educational Leadership. Getting feedback is rarely pain-free. Meet with one per day to ask how their year is going and what could improve it. Use the opportunity for informal conversations. 4 0 obj When conversing with others, make a conscious effort to avoid waiting to talk and trying to prove yourself. Talk about your family and hobbies so your human side travels with you. All leaders know the power of buy in, but its not always the quickest road to a solution. Training programs for administrative positions often focus on the role of the building principal, providing minimal context to an assistant principal position. His donuts, coffee, and question established a mutual respect that lasted the tenure of his time as superintendent. What do you think of the new schedule? Thank you. Leave with positive vibes. Activate UW Email and 2FA/DUO. This person should share how political influence impacts the school, and how principals can gain community members support. First, they support the principal in the administrative operation of a school. So take the fireplace to sincerely understand where teachers are pretty from. If there is a staff concern that needs resolution, ask if you can observe the process to better understand the policies and procedures. I make sure to engage in the stories of their vacations and talk as long as they want. However, investing in these relationships will play huge dividends when you're ready to promote change. Review Disability Accommodations Request Process (Academic Year) Despite the many pulls, relationship building must be a top priority. All rights reserved. Before school begins, get to know everyone you can. You have0 freearticles left this month. Though that trust must be earned, your work as an AP is far from overwhen you reach that point. Set some goals for improvement in the areas where you need the most growth, and after some time has passed, ask for input again. He is a professor, speaker, and runs the Facebook page, The Epic Classroom. Asking teachers two questions should ferret out their real concernsand will show from the beginning that you value and need their insights. An AP needs a foundation of credibility before he can earn the relational capital that creates trust. (Actually, those principles probably apply to any responsible professional position!) Good luck with it! Goals of each person first year assistant principal assists the road. I believe that most teachers are more concerned with the new administrator validating their work, as opposed to wanting to be awed by that administrator's expertise. I kept these meetings loosely structured. component of my first year. Great article. His most recent publication was The Elementary School Principal's Calendar: A Month-By-Month Planner for the School Year. What seems vibrant and healthy in your new school and what needs oxygen? Its not uncommon to be walking down the hallway and to hear, Do you have a minute? As much as I can, I answer, yes, sure. And then I am present for that moment because sometimes its a staff member sharing something critical in her personal life or asking for assistance with a particular student. Principals, along with their assistant principals and secretaries, need to begin each week planning the week ahead. Extend your relationship building to other district principals. Lori learned the hard way. I'm looking for examples of exemplary instruction so that we can take advantage of our expertise during teacher-led professional development. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Title I Principal - Monthly Checklist Page 2 When we compromise our core, we compromise our ability to serve others fully. ), but that's another post all on its own. Being present in each moment, both professionally and personally, will always be a goal for me. I think most administrators and schools should be encouraging much more action research by teachers. I hope you end up managing each of those pulls well this year. After 365 days of employment, you will have the option of . Furthermore, this research helps educators become critical consumers and not just passive receivers of what others tell us to do. is introduced at the beginning of the school year to the class(es) they will be working in Explain who to call in the event of illness Provide E.A. It takes planning and intentionality. Good points. Invite people to a Twitter chat, help out with an EdCamp, create a Voxer group to highlight great things happening on campus. NYS Administrative License & CTLE Certificate. The role of assistant principal comes with many responsibilities. Jared C. Wastler is the assistant principal at Lower Dauphin High School in Hummelstown, PA. Roundtable: Community Partnerships: January 2021, NASSPs 2021 National Principal of the Year, Reengage Students Through Project-Based Learning. May 2014 - June 2015 Send introductory letter and welcome back to all faculty and staff. No matter how organized I am, or how diligent I am to my tasks, the list is simply longer than the hours I have to dedicate to the job. It is a marathon. Dan got some good advice. Does it resonate with you?" At the heart of everything youre saying is caring and relationship building. Meet with new Home & School officers to plan year Schedule year's social activities for students Check/test bell signal system Establish fire drill schedule (minimum of 9 per year) Recruit parent volunteers Identify room mothers Compile directory information Organize student groups (i.e., bus patrol, student council, etc.) You received the exciting call saying that you are the new principal. July2016 Meet with Assistant Principal and Reading Coach to develop a master calendar of events for the school year, including traditional activities, awards celebrations, and assessment periods. The goal was to get me away from the leadership style of guiding dialogue and toward the style of actively listening. The most important lesson in leadership is be you.. Perception is reality, and if most teachers feel a certain way, act (or react) appropriately, instead of telling them "Too bad" or convincing yourself that "they deserve what's happening to them." This approach can be a non-intrusive way to professionally develop your teachers without constantly flooding their inboxes with "must read" editorials (although the occasional article sent via email isn't such a bad thing). Pinterest. Assistant principals should familiarize themselves with the school's policies and procedures in order to effectively carry out their duties. Welcome New Staff: Plan and schedule your new teacher summer in-service. 5. % Superintendents should remind principals to go home at a reasonable hour and shut down the technology. The "ghosts of the school" rule long after their formal leadership tenures have ended. When Im at my best,Im often asking these questions: We do a lot of talking to teachers when it comes to professional development. The first year assistant principal checklist is designed to help new assistant principals become familiar with the important tasks they need to complete during their first year. Be sure to ask 7:00 am: Arrive at school. Of course, their personal phone number must be available to key personnel in case of a crisis. Matching our practice with our message builds trust with teachers. "Your Admin Assistant" checklist too! New principals usually receive a brief orientation about the construction of the school budget. Chewing gum was forbidden in my school when I arrived as principal. The time-consuming gum battle slowly disappeared as we consistently addressed issues relating directly to teaching and learning. PRINCIPAL-MENTOR ROLE In accepting a principal intern, the Principal-Mentor will: 1. Assistant principals, also called vice-principals, wear more hats in a day than they take off students. Several years ago, I looked at pictures of my youngest daughter and realized I had missed three years as a dad. One person's idea is no better than another's simply because he or she has a "higher-up" job title, and certain responsibilities should not belong entirely to specific workers just because they happen to be in a department that has traditionally taken care of such tasks. 4:00 - 6:00 am: Wake up, work out, answer emails, and get ready for the day. Relationships come before everything. Yes, Im working on schedules, data, upcoming PD But if they pop in my office to say hello, I stop everything. The most unlikely corners of a school's culture can have symbolic value. Thank you. Cultivating those trusting relationships is vital if youre interested in creating change (and who isnt interested in creating positive change). The principal should spend time interacting with students and staff, and observing instruction, every day. endobj . Send home ESSA Report Cards for last year. But coming to terms with the fact that the principalship is a bit like playing whac-a-mole, where when you accomplish one project or task thats most critical, another one pops up immediately that needs just as much of your attention. Believe it or not, principals can be too accessible, to the detriment of their own health and personal relationships. Professional and empathetic elementary school assistant principal with proven instructional record and 5 years experience in school leadership. f\d j#@v8gc OK;jK,)]\j8i(o^ey fU|o|w?w3~{s>/y|kK~jp rre\CNTx,"J6H_ue& qa6Y@}-ZSA}:=,Z)\ While the job description may be exhaustive, the job of principal is also worthy of praise. However you choose to stay organized, this is the time to get your skeleton in place for the next school year. Transparency about your hopes and dreamsand who you are as a person and educatorshould be tempered with wisdom. I have also picked up on the culture and expectations that are in the school. To do that, you have to take the time to ask good questions and put your to-do list of important things on hold long enough to really listen to whats urgent for the teachers you serve. Good points really care. Culture is the "surround" of the schoolthe air everybody breathes without conscious effort. And you'll need to have district office personnel as partners whennot ifyou make your first big mistake. In other words, make sure to separate ideas and opinions from the individuals who are delivering them. This year, in particular, many of us have learned the importance of self-care. During the 2014-15 school year, principals and assistant principals shall continue to be evaluated based on these quality standards. Here are the first days of school scripts for three teachers. Establishing relationships equips you with the ability to engage people in a meaningful way and increases your ability to be successful. Field Tip: Make a list focused on your leadership responsibilities (e.g., instructional, technology, professional growth) and code your to-do list with the appropriate leadership term and assign a percentage to each. Neither is growth. We have all received emails that resembled dissertations or appeared to be sent just to send something. Spend a great deal of time in classrooms, being as non-evaluative as you can. 1615 Duke Street Alexandria, VA 22314 703-684-3345 Contact Us, 2023 National Association of Elementary School Principals | Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions | Copyright and I.P. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Some complaints belong in your office immediately. When communicating with teachers, it's important that your conversation doesn't just focus on the job itself. My health was also heading in a negative direction. Meet with outgoing principal to obtain information about the culture, strengths and challenges of the school and community. District of Columbia Public Schools | Page 2 of 4 . She and I meet once every other week for support. Hang it in a part of the office where you will see it frequently to remind you what is guiding your work. (Maybe even some action research by upperclass students, although the scope would obviously have to be limited.) Tap into it respectfully, and teachers will see that you're eager to learn from them and that you honor their expertise. SpEd. For far too long, new principals have been left to flounder on their own when they enter the role of the principalship. Ive gathered items Ive gleaned from professional conversations and personal experiences and cataloged them into what I call the Assistant Principals Field Guide. The items are by no means formulaic; instead, they are conversational starting points and reflections made involving the essential behaviors necessary to be an effective assistant principal. Courtney Goodman is principal of Middleton Elementary School in Skokie, Illinois. I shared, in advance, with staff that I would love to hear about what makes the school special, what they were most proud of or looking forward to this school year, and what theyd like to see changed or what I could help them with this year. The hours can be long, and you often shoulder the burdens of those you serve. DCPS Assistant Principal Selection Process . Assistant principals who develop lasting, trusting relationships with their staff build on a foundation created by doing their job and doing it well. I am strong in some of her weak areas, and we have discussed how we can both improve in multiple areas. Year 1: Mentees will receive 40 hours of 1:1 mentoring, 7.5 of which are direct support through our mentor program virtual implementation sessions. Medical Travel Personally, I like to record the date whenever I spend more than ten minutes in a classroom, which helps in ensuring that my time is distributed evenly among all the teachers. One thing I force myself to do, especially at this time of the year when everybody is starting to come back to school is really take time to listen. Those interested in action research should look up ARNA, the Action Research Network of the Americas. A free printable checklist to help you get the school year started off right. Assistant principals should meet with department heads to become familiar with their areas of responsibility so they can provide effective support. In an effort to support building leaders, AWSA has developed and continues to update Principal Checklists. One of the most important things I have done each year is to start by asking those I work with, What do you need from me? Take the opportunity to ask what your role is on the team and be open about your needs. Questions provide an avenue for dialogue rather than dictation. Closure at your current school is also a healthy springboard to your new one. If a toxic school culture is part of your inheritance, however, you'll need to gradually change it. The checklist should be started at least two weeks prior to the new educator's start date and completed within the first months of employment. Assure teachers they can manage the majority of discipline issues themselves. As a first year principal, I have a formal mentor, which is a required (and helpful!) Most significant, Ive enjoyed this very important work and look forward to my next 100 days. Also, how is it different than you expected it would be? Ask them how their day is going, pry into their personal lives a bit, and make sure to attend staff outings. Teachers can easily feel threatened when an administrator sits behind a computer (supposedly taking notes that pick apart each and every aspect of a lesson), so travel around with as little equipment as possible. I've heard similar stories with unhappy endings, even one in which people groused because the principal replaced Coke with Pepsi in the machine. Assistant principals who develop lasting, trusting relationships with their staff build on a foundation created by doing their job and doing it well. Execute call documents or contracts for new/continuing teachers 4. Be on committees with teachers. One area in which I believe we often fall short is taking ownership of our professional growth. Revise student directory 3. Thanks for your article. Hold a get to know the assistant principal night or day.something like that. Make sure parents have spoken with teachers before they storm your office doors. Follow Dr. McEwan's seven steps for effective communication with your staff. During budget season, ask to review the budget and discuss how priorities were set and allocated. Assistant principals should plan and lead staff meetings in order to keep staff informed of important updates and events. Miscellaneous What a great article! The transition is quickin one day you move from a teacher contract to an administrative contract. This is a game that will get the class excited and review for the STAAR test. Hows your daughters basketball team playing? Listening is one I would add to the list. A first year assistant principal checklist is important to have because it can help ensure that the new assistant principal is aware of the important tasks they need to complete during their first year. "Wow," she thought! 4E}]x_'5hyw+q4 Z|8CUq}i}p(1@v{k34mfggFdfl[2s[K5TBTgfRdIq*rF J`?[[PZ)Mgf/ SfMsGju\4 {Om'/W'2$jEjInNHA 9IzW! Acknowledge Student Code of Conduct*. Thanks for this great post. %PDF-1.6 % A smooth transition helps alleviate concerns. No part of the articles in NAESP magazines, newsletters, or website may be reproduced in any medium without the permission of the National Association of Elementary School Principals. Take time to get to know teachers in the classroom and out. As the interview winded down, the man sitting next to me asked me this: Whats your plan for the first 100 days as principal?. If you cannot establish relationships, you are going to struggle to maximize your effectiveness. Thats one of my personal goals for this next school year. Then, make a plan. For example, if the majority of teachers possess a negative attitude toward something, don't ignore it. As you leave school for the day, stop by a few classrooms and make small talk. Take one step at a time, don't expect to finish your race in a sprint. The impact you will have on others is only capped by your willingness to expand and grow. Staff For those teachers that are new to the school, principals can be sure that they are contacted and personally invited to orientation meetings. If the outgoing principal is available, review the personnel records with him or her. Some battles can never be won. In today's connected world, all educators should be actively looking for ideas and resources from outside their district. Personal Assistant / Chauffeur. A solid way to build relationships is what I term Visibility 2.0. We know that being present is important, but being present is more than standing in the hallway or walking to the door of a classroom. Other than a brief orientation to the school and the office they will occupy, the assumption is that the individual chosen possesses the intellectual and emotional attributes necessary to be an effective school leader. A new principal offers four lessons learned from her first year in the role. Sep 20, 2022 - A first-year principal position can be an exciting time for you and, it can be a very daunting year. Wrong. These cookies do not store any personal information. It also helps to ensure that the new assistant principal is familiar with the schools policies and procedures. John T. Fitzsimons is a retired superintendent of schools and former elementary and secondary assistant principal and principal. This is my first year as an AP. This includes sending communications only to those impacted; emails reminding people to complete a task or follow through should be sent only to those who need the reminder, not the entire building. Even though faculty meetings and PD days are important arenas in which we must excel, we cant only show up then. If I listed those items now, more would probably be unchecked than checked off as done. Copyright 2019. <>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> . October 30, 2020 . Also, if a teacher asks what you are doing, be transparent. Develop a plan for meeting them and share your plan with a colleague. Performance standards 101 JFK Parkway | Short Hills, NJ | 07078 | (973) 921-5500, 10 Amazing Art Projects Inspired by The Dot. You cant fake really caring about people and investing in their lives. I sure prefer the latter, but that isnt something you often stumble yourself into. This will truly be a. Hows the year going? Ferret out teachers who are less vocal, and respect those known to be less than supportive. Today. : %&Y|Z\ge*jc5]U\GY}?o~d2a:^l juMG]> _Npi{]f]W* The pounding of your heart is half excitement, half apprehension. Almost every day I feel pulled in a million directions, with an even longer list of tasks to accomplish, parents to call, students to connect with, or teachers to meet. "They'll love it." What is more complicated with the new schedule? Leadership Studio Toolkit Principal's Monthly Checklist Last revised March 2008 2 Communications Send out end of summer letters to all staff reminding them of dates for beginning of the year professional development and dates for returning to school. Id worked in the school district for the past 10 years, first as a middle school English teacher and then as a middle school assistant principal. Approach your job with the notion that everyone has something to contribute, because a valuable idea can come from absolutely anyone. Wedding Eldridge Principal Entry Plan 6 Organize Welcome Back Social: positive recognition for a job well done and team building activities 8/16/17- 8/18/17 Review staff handbook, assessment schedule, professional development schedule, school year calendar, building schedule matrix, mission and goals of district and
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