Also, many schools offer medical training courses, but few are already in medicine. Bauchi 4. Obudu Cattle Ranch And Resort (Obudu Mountain Resort) This resort is very popular especially in the southern part of Nigeria. The state is home to Kainji and Shiroro dams, making it Nigeria's power generation centre. It is undoubtedly the most popular state in the western part of Nigeria and West Africa at large. } List of Nigeria's Most Visited States Lagos Rivers State Delta Abuja FCT Akwa Ibom Cross River Enugu Oyo Kaduna Imo Conclusion Alright, the above listed are the best states in this part of Africa that people mostly visit. recorded in the South and South-Western states. the University of Ibadan, and Africas first University teaching hospital and is 45 minute drive away from Nigerias commercial city Lagos. oneSignal_options['httpPermissionRequest']['enable'] = true; The Lagos State University was founded in 1983. So, either out of curiosity or arguments sake, have you ever thoughts of the Best states in Nigeria. . Niger 2. Grange School, Lagos. Imo state has a large population of young people because they come in from all over the country for their education. Which are the richest states in Nigeria, what are their GDPs, and their main economic activities? Osogbo is the state capital. PAY ATTENTION: Click See First under the Following tab to see News on your Facebook News Feed! Plateau is considered Nigeria's tourism hub as its home to a wide range of tourist attractions, including the Kurra Falls, Kerang Highlands, Assop Falls, Wase Rock, The Museum of Traditional Nigerian Architecture, the Wildlife Safari Park, and the National Museum. Perhaps it is this interaction with people of the world that has made Calabar residents live and dress like they are in London. So, let's continue with our list of top 20 best law companies in Lagos Nigeria.. 10. body{--wp--preset--color--black:#000000;--wp--preset--color--cyan-bluish-gray:#abb8c3;--wp--preset--color--white:#ffffff;--wp--preset--color--pale-pink:#f78da7;--wp--preset--color--vivid-red:#cf2e2e;--wp--preset--color--luminous-vivid-orange:#ff6900;--wp--preset--color--luminous-vivid-amber:#fcb900;--wp--preset--color--light-green-cyan:#7bdcb5;--wp--preset--color--vivid-green-cyan:#00d084;--wp--preset--color--pale-cyan-blue:#8ed1fc;--wp--preset--color--vivid-cyan-blue:#0693e3;--wp--preset--color--vivid-purple:#9b51e0;--wp--preset--gradient--vivid-cyan-blue-to-vivid-purple:linear-gradient(135deg,rgba(6,147,227,1) 0%,rgb(155,81,224) 100%);--wp--preset--gradient--light-green-cyan-to-vivid-green-cyan:linear-gradient(135deg,rgb(122,220,180) 0%,rgb(0,208,130) 100%);--wp--preset--gradient--luminous-vivid-amber-to-luminous-vivid-orange:linear-gradient(135deg,rgba(252,185,0,1) 0%,rgba(255,105,0,1) 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Also known as Academic paradise, Regina Pacis is a Catholic mission secondary school, owned by Catholic Archdiocese of Onitsha. Learn more on the things you didnt know about Uyo. Top 11 NYSC States for Nigerian Corpers to Serve. The best of the best: the portal for top lists & rankings: . The year 2023 edition of the top 100 universities in Nigeria has been published by the Ranking Web or Webometrics. Most of the state's inhabitants are Hausa or Fulani, but there are also Nigerians from other parts of the country, Arab traders, and Europeans. (Top) 1 External links. Premium Statistic Cocoa bean production worldwide 2019/20-2021/ 22, by country . The New Yam festival and Masquerade festival are well celebrated. Hence, it is expected that some of them are among the, , for so many reasons, is an obviousmention. Some other attractions in the state include National Museum Uyo, Ibom plaza Uyo, and the popular Le Meridian Uyo- which is a five-star hotel. Metro. Some of the best places to live include the Independence Layout, New Haven, Enugu GRA and the Achara Layout. /* Error on ../wp-content/plugins/table-of-contents-plus/screen.min.css?ver=2302 : Something went wrong: A valid URL was not provided. The University was established in the year 1992, by the Delta State Government. Your email address will not be published. 5 Tips on Finding the Best Tenants for your Property, Fulfilled Prophecy: Number of Vacant Houses Increase in Lekki & Ikoyi, Cost of building materials in Nigeria (2021), When Your Girlfriend is Your Next door Neighbour, How Government Housing Policies Affect Low Income-Earners, What You Should Know About Land Sizes in Nigeria Plots, Acres & Hectares. He ran Kenya down, closed the gap, won the race and Nigeria won the Games. Below is the 2013 Top 100 NUC University Ranking in Nigeria. Miles and miles of roads have trees on both sides interlocking at the top. BetBonanza (Up to N100,000 Welcome Bonus Plus Free Bets) 5. /* Error on ../wp-content/plugins/tablepress/css/build/default.css?ver=2.0.4 : Something went wrong: A valid URL was not provided. 1.1 10. is next on our list of best states in Nigeria. The principal city of Enugu is called the Coal City because it was an important mining city in the old days when coal was an important fuel. The Resident . oneSignal_options['welcomeNotification']['title'] = ""; 2. It is home to some of luxurious real estate properties. Ebonyi 1.5 6. Learn more on the. President Dr. Bukola Saraki in the year 2009, when he was the Governor of the state. The University is among the best state University in the country. Aside from the economic value Lagos poses, it is a hub for Fintechs, Entertainment, Start Ups and numerous sidehustles. Regina Pacis is ranked as the best secondary school in Anambra state due to its strides in the academic activities in the state. LASU has 9 faculties which are namely; Faculty of : Social Sciences, Engineering, School of Basic Medical Science and Education, Business Administration, Law, School of Clinical Sciences, Arts. Top 20 Of The Most Educated States In Nigeria 2023 Imo state Delta state Lagos state Enugu state Anambra state Abia state Osun state Bayelsa state Ondo state Ogun state Oyo state Ekiti state Kwara state Abuja Rivers state Plateau state Cross Rivers state Edo state Kaduna state Benue state Katsina is situated in Nigeria's northwest and occupies 24,192 square kilometres. The University was established in 1982 by the Old Ondo State. University of Ibadan, Oyo State - Best University to study Medicine in Nigeria Colleges 2. Bien avant le dbut des matchs des quarts de finale de la Coupe d'Afrique des Nations U-20 TotalEnergies Egypte 2023, la CAF organise des opportunits mdias avec des lgendes . Ironically, it is also the smallest state in Nigeria. There is also no doubt about Uyos prowess as a top tourist attraction. Cross River State is a great place to live! The state's economy is fueled by vibrant infrastructural development, numerous manufacturing companies, and huge deposits of zinc, crude oil, natural gas, limestone, sand, and white clay. Most Peaceful and Safest States in Nigeria 2022. Top 20 Best Polytechnics In Nigeria 1.The Institute of Management Technology (IMT) Located In Enugu State, Nigeria. [CDATA[ */ Science, Education, Law, Agriculture, Social, and Management Science. It is a place where both Christians and Muslims live together as they have for centuries. The capital city Owerri is considered one of the best places to live in Nigeria. Manufacturers sack over 4,400 staff in one year despite CBN intervention of over N1trn to create jobs. Lagos, for so many reasons, is an obviousmention. Additionally, the state has significant oil refining, tobacco, and cottonseed processing industries. All right reserved. They don't make empty promises, create misleading mission statements, or use education jargon to mislead parents and the community. 2 See also. The latest foreign trade data released by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) shows that the top ten agricultural products exported from Nigeria are estimated at N82.3 billion.. It is arguably the most beautiful vacation and tourist spot in Nigeria. Lagos state is located in the southwest of Nigeria. Kebbi 3. */ var oneSignalLinkClickHandler = function(event) { OneSignal.push(['registerForPushNotifications']); event.preventDefault(); }; for(var i = 0; i < oneSignal_elements.length; i++) FCT Abuja is one of the most beautiful and peaceful states you could ever travel to in Nigeria. Among the top 10 hospitals in Nigeria, here are some honourable mentions that did not make the list unless I rank the top 20 best hospitals in Nigeria . oneSignal_options['welcomeNotification'] = { }; Anyone who is fascinated with Yoruba culture must at least once in his life pay a visit to Oyo, where he is going to have a feel of the language and the people. Though Ibadan, and Oyo state as a whole, is relatively cheap when compared to Lagos, Abuja or Port Harcourt, it remains one of the best states in Nigeria. Her state capital Ibadan is the countrys largest city by geographical area. The city and the state bear the same name because the developmental attention of the state is focused on Enugu. The range of economic activities, governance, and abundance of natural resources are the primary factors determining a state's wealth in Nigeria. In addition, Oshogbo, the state capital, has vibrant food processing, steel-rolling, and textile industries. The best of the best: the portal for top lists & rankings: . The best states to live in Nigeria are well planned places that offer security, good economic opportunities, and the recreational activities to help ease the tension of work or business. Katsina is renowned for its appreciation of education and a remarkably high number of academic institutions, including the Umar Musa Yar' Adua University, Al-Qalam University, and the Federal University Dutsin-Ma. Nigeria sinks into more debt as financial obligation rose to N32.9tn in December. The reason is, however, not far-fetched when you consider the number of opportunities in the state. Abia State is located in east-central Nigeria and was administratively created in 1991 from the eastern half of Imo state. Messi led Argentina to win the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar, clinching . Lagos State University (LASU): In this multi ethnic city of Lagos, a great deal of beauties from across the country seek admission into Lagos state university, the next time you enter a taxi and you see pretty girl by your side, tell her you are a LASU student or graduate and she will hug you very well and tell you her department. Gradually, the list of states in Nigeria increased to 19. Femi Ojumu & Co Address: Located in No. Popularly known as the coal city, Enugu is another beautiful state in Nigeria with its capital city comprising an excellent topography and alluring features. /* Error on ../wp-content/plugins/feedburner-form/control/fbstyle.css?ver=6.1.1 : Something went wrong: A valid URL was not provided. #NigeriaDecides: Your Vote Counts And Can Give Nigeria The Very Best. Of all the states with a high cost of living, Abuja is the highest. Oyo State, particularly Ibadan is a historic city, one of the founding cities of the Yoruba people. Top 20 Best State Universities In Nigeria List (2023), TOP 20 LIST OF BEST FEDERAL UNIVERSITIES IN NIGERIA, TOP 10 BEST COMPUTER SCIENCE UNIVERSITIES IN NIGERIA, Best University To Study Electrical Engineering in Nigeria, Top 20 Best Private Universities In Nigeria By NUC, List Of Ogun State Colleges And Universities {Tuition Fees}, List Of Universities That Offer Medical Laboratory Science In Nigeria, AJAYI CROWTHER UNIVERSITY ADMISSION LIST 1ST BATCH 2017/2018 RELEASED, Top 10 Best Polytechnics In Nigeria (2023), Top 100 Work From Home Online Jobs(2023). Bear the same name because the developmental ATTENTION of the world that has Calabar., particularly Ibadan is a great place to live include the Independence Layout New! Have for centuries Up to N100,000 Welcome Bonus Plus Free Bets ) 5 of roads have trees on both interlocking. 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