Economy is like an unfathomable thing. Is there an unseen force or a law of nature that God has designed into the world, which silently governs the rise and fall of economies and nations? America as the world's super power. I never trade solely based on time cycles but time cycles can give a great advantage of being able to look at the macro-perspective. The Shemitah of 2015 produced the worst year for the stock market in seven years, or since 2008 - the last Shemitah! The Shmita Many societies throughout history have used crop rotation to overcome this effect, and even today it is a recognized and important aspect of farming in order to maintain optimal soil composition. So you shall not wrong one another, but you shall fear your God; for I am the Lord your God.. How come his sensationalist shmita screed up there on the best-seller shelves and not my scrupulously researched (yet eminently readable) effort? When I asked her what made her think the market was going to crash, she said that most of 2015 were part of a Shmita year. declared that should America turn away from God, His blessings will be removed. This one-year extended rest would also help the soil recover from constant farming of the same crops, which can take important nutrients out of the earth. Yedidya Julian Sinclair works in the Israeli clean tech world. In his analysis, he looked at a broader picture of economic indicators and whether the Shemitah years have had any significant impact on them. More specifically, the Shmita comes from the bible, where it states: The seventh year shall be a Sabbath of solemn rest for the land, (Lev. For the non-Shmita years, the average return is 9.0% (16.5%), but for the Shmita years, it is an average loss of -2.4% (22.7). We are in the middle of an economic crisis, but things dont actually look to bad on the surface. Yet the charts suggest that, although we are desperate to deny it, such a rhythm is obstinately embedded in human economic life. They are intended to provide general comparative information to help an individual client or prospective client in deciding whether the performance of Reppond Investments, Inc.s strategies meet, or continue to meet, his/her investment objective(s). Your email address will not be published. We actually cant tell from Cahns book if the Shemitah Effect really does exist or if it is rather that the global economy is so messed up and it collapses so often that sometimes a downturn just happens to correlate with a Shemitah year. Unfortunately, some conclusions based upon Biblical cherry-picking often result in ideas that become so popular that overcoming them with real data is difficult. So even though a Shemitah year would end in the fall on Elul 29, the next harvest would not occur until at least 7-8 months later. The Lord promised that he would bless Israel if they followed his ways, and the weekly Sabbath and the seventh-year Shemitah would pose no problems, but be a great blessing. We are coming into a new Shemitah year. OK, the electricity bill is a pain in the ass, so a few posts on social media about that, many join a Facebook-group demanding a maximum price for petrol or some other commodity. Therefore, working backward from the Shemitah of 2014-2015, the following years can be calculated to be Shemitahs simply subtracting 7 from each year. Lets have a look a couple of examples of stock markets crashes which fell all in Shemitah years. This served to reinforce their reliance on God and decrease their reliance on their own initiative, which is exactly what the Lord wanted to happen. For instance, there were significant declines in 2003 and 2011 that were both in the middle of the subsequent Shemitah cycles and did not correspond to the Shemitah years or their wakes. Masterclass Teach The Art Of Magic Penn e Teller. Shemitah, the last year of a seven-year cycle in the Jewish calendar, has several times in the past brought immense financial hardships to the world. Britain, the world's greatest empire was almost bankrupt. United States enters WWI. Think about this. In some cases, the rate increased during the Shemitah, while in other cases the increase occurred after the Shemitah year was over (in its wake). Let's take a look at the incredibly accurate timing of the Shmita Year as it impacts modern history in the realm of finances, economies, and empires: 1901-1902 Shmita Year - 46% U.S. Stock market value wiped out. Is the Shemitah Effect real or is it imagined? The bond market bubble has popped, and forward-looking Treasury returns are no longer a disaster. People are blessed with perfect economic information and make their decisions accordingly. The comparison of the volatility of Reppond Investments, Inc.s strategies to the volatility of any stock market index is for illustrative purposes only. Elul 29 could be interesting. Lets see. 1930-1931 Shmita Year - 86% U.S stock market value wiped out in the worst financial crisis in This law ensured that Hebrew slaves would not be held as slaves forever, regardless of the debt they owed or the situation they found themselves in. When the United States is consumed by greed and ignores these biblical values, then God will wreak vengeance on America, through 9/11, stock market crashes, ISIS and other terrors. In addition, all of Israel would have built-in rest periods designed into their economic system consisting of days and years, which would greatly reduce the stress of life. When the United States is consumed by greed and ignores these biblical. Thus, the agricultural effect occurs during the entire year and immediately thereafter, whereas the effect from the debt release occurs only at the end of the year and its wake. Please invest accordingly. Written by John Ballard for The Motley Fool ->. Britain, the world's greatest empire was almost bankrupt. Your email address will not be published. The conference call can be accessed live over the phone by dialing (412) 317-6346 or (844) 204-8586 from the U.S. Callers from Brazil can dial +55 11 3181-8565. kill its unborn children (Abortion legalized). There are many sources of economic data that can be found to map out the recessions or depressions in the worlds economy, including information related to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) as well as the booms and busts in the stock markets or bond markets, the increases and decreases in currency values, or the rise and fall of unemployment. and lie still." German, Austro-Hungarian, Russian and Ottoman Empires collapsed. A Shmita reminds a nation that it's This is what the Lord said through Moses in Deuteronomy: At the end of every seven years you shall grant a remission of debts. BGC Partners, Inc. (Nasdaq: BGCP) ("BGC"), a leading global brokerage and financial technology company, today reported its financial results for the quarter and year ended December 31, 2022. He looked at virtually every boom and bust period in the economy over the time period represented by the available data. Ive created an indicator that can help traders and investors analyze the Shemitah year on various charts in Trading View. These types of intense boom-and-bust periods characterize the economies of todays world, and they appear to be unpredictable and unpreventable. There's been a major financial disruption in seven of the eight Shmita years dating back to 1966: Read more Again, the Shemitah Effect appears to be real, but it cannot be used as an absolute predictor of future unemployment levels. People simply cannot be wrong for long. 1916-1917 - 40% of the US stock market value wiped out. Well, that was my two satoshis on the upcoming shemita.. For meg om meg, se This is an interesting question and one in which Jonathan Cahn proposed to answer in his books. If this force really exists, it might actually impact the valuation of stock markets, investments, and currencies on a recurring basis. Personal debts are forgiven, and commitments to faith are renewed. As we have seen, there are many economic recessions and depressions, and some of them do indeed correlate to a Shemitah period. The Bible is absolutely a book of great importance, at least for lots of religious people. Been looking for this thread. Through these two characteristics, the Lord provided a life of rest and highly reduced stress, while encouraging his people to live without having the burden of debt hanging over their heads. Rigel Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (Nasdaq: RIGL) today announced that it will report its fourth quarter and full year 2022 financial results after market close on Tuesday, March 7, 2023. Weve gotten our money back, thanks to the complaints help we got!Eternally grateful!!! In addition, Zenz also considered a more restricted analysis by using only the 2-month Elul-Tishri Shemitah ending months and the Shemitah wake period in his calculations, just like Cahn focused on in his book. The Shemitah, however, would help smooth out economic ups and downs so that they would simply never occur catastrophically. These graphs can easily be superimposed with the Shemitah years to see if there are any major correlating effects relative to the U.S. economy (the U.S. economy being the largest single financial entity in the world and a good indicator of global economic trends). However, these laws were not ignored by God. Reppond Investments, Inc. reserves the right to trade different ETFs or mutual funds within a strategy than those reflected in the graphic shown. hewn stones." However, none of what grew during the Shemitah year could be harvested and sold as it was during the other 6 years of a cycle. However, the nations of the world and their economic systems dont follow God or his Laws; thus, there are many more negative effects on the global economic system than just the Shemitah. The last sabbath year was in 2014-2015 and the last yubilee-year was in 1972-1973. Also, on the seventh year, all debts were to be forgiven (Deuteronomy 15:1-11). Speak to the sons of Israel and say to them, When you come into the land which I shall give you, then the land shall have a sabbath to the Lord. And the Torahs idea of shmita can teach us plenty about financial bubbles and economic cycles, whatever you think of Cahans take on the freaky coincidences. The next year of the Shemitah starts on September 7th, 2021, and ends on September 25, 2022. Key Facts of the Shmita Year The next Shmita The next Shmita (Sabbatical) Year begins on September 6th, 2021 and ends on September 26th, 2022. The story behind the Shemitah is that the 7th year is the year of resting and releasing. Note: In that same chapter of Deuteronomy quoted from above, the Lord permitted Israel to loan money to foreigners without remission of the debt at the end of the Shemitah; only debts between Hebrews were to be forgiven every seven years. Stocks crash, the financial system collapses, and unemployment rises rapidly, oftentimes taking years to recover. 1972-1973 Shmita Year - 48% U.S. Stock market value wiped out. Risk Disclaimer & Terms of Service Here is the crazy thing, the actual returns are different for the Shmita years. 2022 was a nasty year for the stock market, but a wonderful one for market numerologists. This reflects the full Jewish day of Saturday (called Yom Shabbat or Sabbath Day) in which every day starts and ends at sundown. Keynes, who was also a savvy investor, wrote in his General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money (Chapter 12): Enterprise only pretends to itself to be mainly actuated by the statements in its own prospectus, however candid and sincere. If you just look at the stock prices, things dont look bad stocks continue to rise. Press J to jump to the feed. THE STOCK MARKET WILL CRASH! Where the stock market was experiencing a major crash. Therefore, no current or prospective client should assume that future performance will be profitable. The complete set of laws Moses wrote down were quite extensive and extended far beyond the Ten Commandments, which immediately comes to mind when we consider the Old Testament laws. Yes, its a construction and as for all constructions affecting us, it might be a smart ting having a look at it in order to understand it. In Leviticus, Moses said that the Year of Jubilee should be observed after every seven sets of seven-year Shemitah cycles. Occasionally, a person might be sold into indentured service, because he was poor or owed a debt he could not repay. It doesnt matter if hes right or wrong, what matters is you and your view of things. Yes, the bearish trifecta.If that sounds like a reprint of one of our Monday MTI memos, bear with us (pun intended). Time Cycles Say Therell Be Better Times Than 2022, A Religious Calendar Calls For A 2022 (Market) Sabbatical, Soft Landing Or Recession? However, the Shemitah years represented by 1951-1952, 1958-1959, 1986-1987, 1993-1994, and 2014-2015 all occurred during times of low unemployment and with no subsequent rate increases. This is the effect that many authors have written about in recent years, because the last two Shemitah cycles appear to have had a dramatic effect on the worlds economy. Is there a principle that has been functioning for decades and perhaps even for centuries, which affects the global political and economic systems and causes periodic recessions or depressions? They year also strands for debt forgiveness to break debt cycles. You shall have the fiftieth year as a jubilee; you shall not sow, nor reap its aftergrowth, nor gather in from its untrimmed vines. This time, everyone says, it will different. It is a Shabbat of years instead of a Shabbat of days. If Israel followed God in these things, then the Shemitah would bring a great benefit and blessing; essentially providing for each farming family a full year off every seven years from cultivating, planting, and harvesting. Therefore, the poor would never be poor forever and the rich would not continually devour the property of the poor. 1937-1938 Shmita Year - 50% U.S. Stock market value wiped out. If Israel followed God, this two-year super-Shemitah would pose no problems for their food supply or for their economy. Markets therefore adjust swiftly and efficiently, remarkable renaissance of thinking and doing, Israel Unfiltered: The future of meeting up in person, The Next Web, ChatGPT, and The Creator Economy, Netanyahu to make statement to nation as bipartisan MKs call for judicial compromise, As protests sweep nation, police use aggressive means to clear Tel Aviv rally, Gantz to PM: Talk now before we face civil war; Herzog: Country could fall to abyss, Israel should wipe out Palestinian town of Huwara, says senior minister Smotrich. This part of the Shemitah law related to loans made only by and between the people of Israel. In fact, the Lord promised that the crop of the sixth year would be so bountiful that it would supply them with food for 3 full years: But if you say, What are we going to eat on the seventh year if we do not sow or gather in our crops?. Although the effect on the stock market is not absolute in that many market declines fall outside of Shemitah years, it certainly appears that the Shemitah has had a negative affect on the market by causing some of its largest declines. Everything regarding property ownership would be equalized again at the Year of Jubilee. It just so happens that the latest Shemitah year occurred during the years 2014-2015, and it ended on September 13, 2015. The beginning of the Jubilee year would be marked by the sounding of a rams horn on the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur). German, Austro-Hungarian, Through this and other laws, the Lord thus encouraged the people not to go into debt at all; however, if they did take a loan from another one of their Jewish brothers out of necessity, then the remaining unpaid debt would have to be forgiven at the end of the Shemitah year without requiring further payments or obligations. I think it's just a normal cycle. If the nation followed God in the Shemitah and Jubilee, they would be prosperous and at rest in their land; however, if the nation turned away from God and didnt follow these laws, they would suffer the effects of the Shemitah as a judgment and with extremely negative consequences. The Largest Point Drops in the Dow Jones Industrial Average, RankDateCloseNet Change% ChangeShemitah Years or Wake12008-09-2910365.45-777.68-6.9822008-10-158577.91-733.08-7.8732001-09-178920.7-684.81-7.1342008-12-018149.09-679.95-7.752008-10-098579.19-678.91-7.3362011-08-0810809.85-634.76-5.55 72000-04-1410305.78-617.77-5.66 82015-08-2415871.35-588.4-3.5791997-10-277161.14-554.26-7.18 102015-08-2116459.75-530.94-3.12112011-08-1010719.94-519.83-4.62 122008-10-228519.21-514.45-5.69132011-08-0411383.68-512.76-4.31 141998-08-317539.06-512.62-6.37 152008-10-079447.11-508.39-5.11161987-10-191738.74-508-22.61172008-09-1510917.51-504.48-4.42182008-11-059139.27-486.01-5.05192015-09-0116058.35-469.68-2.84202008-09-1710609.66-449.36-4.06. Of course the stock exchanges are experiencing problems, but most of the newly printed money end up in the exchanges, thus preventing the logical drop. Similarly, in more recent times, the Shemitah years of 2000-2001, 2007-2008 and 2014-2015 correlated almost perfectly to major market downturns, but there was a lack of correlation to the market declines that occurred in the years between them. Although Cahn concluded that there was a positive correlation between the Shemitah and economic downturns, this positive conclusion occurred, because Cahns analysis did not include all possible data points; neither did it use standard scientific methods of statistical analysis. Not knowing what it was, I asked her. The World Trade Centre was conceived in the Shmita of 1945, begun in the Shmita of But I do believe in a God who communicates with us through the Torah. Economies are periodic they go through upswings of growth, investment and expansion, followed by episodes of contraction and depression. The civil calendar year is the one that is used to determine the Shemitah year. You can do anything you decide to do. This is like concluding that everyone who breaths, dies; thus, breathing is the cause of death. By Cecilia Butini. 1-ranked portfolio strategist on Wall Street last year.As many analysts remained bullish on the market exiting 2021, Wilson . Fortunately, this is a simple process, as Israel has been faithfully tracking the Shemitah time cycles (although not strictly observing the Mosaic Law) from the time that the Temple was destroyed in 70 AD. The fact that the world is in a turmoil at the moment isnt exactly breaking news. There can be no assurance that any specific investment or investment strategy (including the investment strategies devised or undertaken by Reppond Investments, Inc.) will be profitable for a clients or prospective clients portfolio. For example, there are many times during the past 115 years in which significant stock market declines occurred outside of a Shemitah year. Thus, in the year after the 7th Shemitah, which was in the 50th year or the first year of the next Shemitah cycle, the Jubilee would be celebrated. You know, a lot of people are searching around for this info, you can help them greatly. Going back another seven years brings us to 1987. The sabbatical year is one of rest, forgiveness, and reflection. This widespread effect resulted in downturns or recessions built into Israels economy at regular intervals, which obviously had other consequences beyond just affecting farming families. (photo credit: AP Photo/Tsafrir Abayov). Eight months later, the S&P 500 loss through August has exceeded 10% for only the twelfth time since 1926. In this way we gain In the year 2014-2015 the stock market is moving sideways and slows down within the established uptrend. According to the book of Leviticus, every set of seven Shemitahs was to be followed by a Year of Jubilee in which another major type of release was to take place. name for ourselves" Genesis 11:4. The Shemitah years of 1972-1973, 1979-1980, 1986-1987, 2000-2001, and 2007-2008 all correspond to concurrent or subsequent increases in the unemployment rate. Its going to be a very bumpy year until Sept 24-27 already look at the signs very volitale market, supply chain on last thread, oil prices through the roof ( US cannot sustained price of oil over $100 ) they are predicting $150-175 barell, famine in Africa, major drought in 3/4 of US . One method of looking at a potential Shemitah Effect on the Dow Jones Average is to attempt to correlate the major point drops or percent changes in the stock market to a Shemitah year or its wake. I higly recommend it and youll find links to all ten episodes below. Many economists and others who study the global financial systems have wondered why major downturns in the economy seem to happen in early fall, especially in the months of September and October. Callers from the UK can dial +44 20 3795-9972. The observance of the Shemitah was meant to be good for Israel and for the Jewish people, because it was another time of rest built into their lives by the Lord. The year 2022 on the Jewish calendar is a Shmita yearhistorically considered to be a year of rest, or sabbatical, following six years of work. Whether you believe that the war is the source of all current problems or not, have a look at the table below. Wheat that grew on its own would be free for all to eat. Will the stock market crash at the end of this Jewish year? The cycles of the Shemitah and Jubilee releases would therefore continue to smooth out the ups and downs of the economy and reduce the extreme differences between the rich and poor. OK, we get poorer, but we dont really notice. the nation that turns its back on God the Shmita comes in the sign of judgment. Since the Shemitah affected Israel so dramatically and caught up to them even when the Jews didnt follow it for centuries, a valid question might be, Does the Shemitah Effect relate not only to Israel, but does it also have relevance to the entire world? Even though Israel as a nation was specifically given the Law of Moses in the beginning to make them distinct from the nations as Gods people, many of the Old Testament laws have application to all of mankind regardless of whether they are Jew or Gentile. towers fell. Click the link in that email to complete registration so you can comment. The Shemitah cycle is not the only cycle you can use for price predictions in Bitcoin and the stock markets. then I will so order My blessing for you in the sixth year that it will bring forth the crop for three years. We will also not be able to get rich off of playing the Shemitah cycles to our advantage. In this sense, we might expect to see periods of severe economic decline outside of a Shemitah period as the evil built into the economies of the world periodically breaks the system and creates downturns. 1916-1917 Shmita Year - 40% U.S. Stock market value wiped out. Understanding that I am trying to correlate a Christian calendar with the Jewish Calendar, here are the past Shmita years where data (from Robert Shiller) are available: As one can see, some of the great crashes in American history occurred during these Shmita years, but are these significant? The opinions, facts and any media content in them are presented solely by the authors, and neither The Times of Israel nor its partners assume any responsibility for them. Britain, the world's greatest empire was almost . Same same and no big change. As can be seen, there are some Shemitah years that actually do correlate well to downturns in the stock market; particularly, these are represented by the years 1902-1903, 1909-1910, 1916-1917, 1930-1931, 1937-1938 (at its start), 1965-1966, 1972-1973, 1986-1987, 2000-2001, 2007-2008, and 2014-2015. Note: The people of Israel actually follow two yearly calendars. It seems very difficult though. Founder slams mozilla foundation cryptocurrency. Year of the Shmita September 24th 2022! As you might expect, the occurrence of a super-Shemitah produced significant effects on the economy and on every Jewish citizen of Israel. Moses also said in Exodus and Leviticus that crops should be planted and harvested for six years, but in the seventh year the land should rest and enjoy a Sabbath in which no crops would be planted. What might be more insteresting at least for some is trying to understand how our economic system is constructed and how it works. The message of shmita that a similar cycle applies over seven years has, so far, not. The previous salary increase was higher than the last one, so were kind of happy. Similarly, if someone bought a plot of land, then at the Year of Jubilee he would be required to freely return the property to its original owner (at no charge). One sharp observer who realized that this was not how things worked in the real world was the British economist John Maynard Keynes. Sukkot, Shmita and a stock market crash? Moreover, the amplitude between the peaks and troughs is growing, meaning that the destructive power of the crashes is also growing. Note: Unlike the seeds that are used for crops today, which have been engineered to grow once and the plant that sprouts produces no viable seeds so that farmers have to repeatedly buy more seed every planting season, the seeds that the Israelis used resulted in completely viable plants which produced vital seeds. One world order? The 1994 bond market massacre is remembered with horror by those who lived through it. By AARON KATSMAN Published:. Unfortunately, markets have frequently taken this suggestion quite literally! 9/11 and Global recession. 1916-1917 Shmita Year - 40% U.S. Stock market value wiped out. A decade ago, Mike Maloney made an effort to explain it all through a series called Hidden Secrets of Money. Mike Maloney is a smart guy, but hes just a man with a view just take a look on his favourite crypto, Hedera Hashgraph (episode 8). ". Thus, according to the Law of Moses, there was a Sabbath every seven days for man to rest and a Sabbath every seven years (Shemitah) for the land to rest. Also, on the seventh year, all debts were to be forgiven (Deuteronomy 15:1-11). Unfortunately, markets have frequently taken this suggestion quite literally! Among the many cycles described in the Bible, we find the seven-year-cycle, ending with a sabbath year (shemita); simply put, a year where you let the land rest. This happened to be a Shemitah year. We know that this is true, at least in theory. In case of abuse, In this Sunday, Oct. 19, 2014 photo, Gilad Fine, a religious Jewish farmer from Bnei Netzarim, stands inside his greenhouse, between the southern tip of the Gaza Strip and the Egyptian border. Think about this. This is wsb content right here. The price increase is higher than the salary increase, but we can always go to strike and demand a raise. Im afraid I succumbed to a momentary spasm of writer-envy. U.S. Voted to For the author, the United States of America is Gods true chosen nation with which God made a new covenant. As a student of the Bible and also as a scientist by training, I have to conclude that the statistical analysis of all the data indicates that the effect is not apparent. understanding about current and future events. The word Shemitah is pronounced shem tah, which literally means remission or to release or to let go. As the Lord promised in Leviticus 25:20-22 (quoted previously), the sixth year before a Jubilee would provide enough food to supply the people for a full 3 years; therefore God anticipated the need for an increased food supply during the longer Shemitah/Jubilee cycle. As we saw for the downturns in the Dow Jones Average, there is an observed Shemitah Effect for some increases in the unemployment level, but not for all of them (correlation is 5 out of 10 or 50%). The first thing to ask is, What is the Shemitah Effect? To answer that question we need to first understand the Old Testament laws that created and govern the Shemitah (often called Shmita by the Jews). Perhaps it was followed early in Israels history, during the time of the Judges and maybe during King Davids reign, but as Israel fell away from God with successive kings, the Shemitah was one of the first rules that fell away and was not fulfilled. Shmita, Cahan writes is, about taking a break from the madcap pursuit of wealth and acknowledging that its all from God. And the deeper the illusions, the worse is the reckoning when it comes. However, the complete statistical analysis indicates that the correlation is poor at best. As Israel implodes, does nobody in Netanyahus Likud have the guts to defy him? The differences between Reppond Investments Inc.s results and those of the indices may be different due to differences in diversification and by the properties of the actual securities held by Reppond Investments, Inc. JUST OPINION! An investor cannot invest directly in these. Another way of analyzing the Shemitah Effect on the Dow Jones Average is to look at the 20 largest point drops in the stock market during single day crashes. Could we use policy instruments, such as a gradual tightening of monetary policy starting in the sixth year after the previous slump to prevent the next collapse being as devastating (or even more so) than the last one? Whats different this time, is the number of things that are affected by the ongoing crisis. It will be determined this year. Exodus 23:11. 2007-2008 Shmita Year - 50% U.S. Stock market value wiped out. It shall be a jubilee for you, and each of you shall return to his own property, and each of you shall return to his family. Six years you shall sow your field, and six years you shall prune your vineyard and gather in its crop. When ancient Israel uttered these prideful words God brought judgment upon the How it works by and between the peaks and troughs is growing, meaning the... 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