(They were chronically itchy, presumably because of smog, allergies, candida) I mean they STOPPED itching immediately as in a night and day difference. If you have cancer, you may be willing to try anything that you think could cure your disease. I started him on about 5 milligrams of CBD per day and it's evident he's in much less pain now - he's got his energy back! The last but not the least, Spooky2 GeneratorX can do biofeedback scan within 10 minutes. Mount Vernon couple sentenced for medical fraud. top of page. WebTesla 25 Rife Machine. #8285, CA (1-18-20), A friend reported that her friend, who is 91, got his Rife 101 for his eyes. Well, my first time on the Rife 101 I could walk with a little pain, but I could pick my feet up off the ground and walk. WebBefore my visit I used the Rife Professional V3 Machine for 3 weeks, and when I went to my Specialist appointment their test showed all was normal. I was born with itran in my family - mother, grandmother, all siblings (2 now dead, 1 schizophrenic, 1 only 44 dying a miserable death of illnesses caused by candida/mold/fungus weakening her system. Two methods of use: TENS pads & scalar technology quantum wireless. My son's face looked less red and the zits he had were not inflamed like the night before. I had been using my friend and neighbor's Rife Machine (which she bought from you) for about a year previously. MCL is very rare, and, there's no cure. Fungal Sinusitis, Bronchial Pneumonia, Lungs, Blood Clot, Swelling, Heart Problems, Back Subluxations, Broken Bone: I've had the Rife 101 for about 2 years now and it's a total miracle machine! I took out the Rife 101 to start using it, and, let me tell you, within 30 minutes I was a new person. Rife machines can be used to treat multiple diseases and ailments and work by emitting low-frequency waves into the Some doctors were afraid to get too close to us! Abrams believed every disease has its own electromagnetic frequency. They noted that in some animal studies, specific frequencies blocked new cancer cells from forming and inhibited tumor growth. Explore the effects of keto for cancer in humans and animals. After using the frequency machine for just two times I was able to sleep a full 8 hours a night. My only hesitation in giving the Rife 101 full credit is that, for a day or two (and not overnight) I put a tight wrap around that elbow. Dad started running the Rife101 and the discoloration and infection cleared up quickly and now hes bearing weight on it! 269-382-5820. I can't tell you when I got it, but I suspect it was a long time ago (I'm 68). In these tests, the validity was zero because I do not have any of the 72 conditions and consistency was zero because no condition listed in either scan was found in the other scan. I'm not even sure they're there anymore! In the meantime, thank you so much. - Chrisma O, England. George C. (NW, 6/2015). During that time I'd feel a cold coming on and no matter what I'd do I could never shake the cold. I have had digestive problems for several years. TrueRife Buy So glad to have found the new "updated" version in the Rife Model 101! I can use my hands without pain. WebThe GB4000 is probably the most powerful but its clumsiness and difficulty to use pushes me to recommend the TrueRife as the superior machine. E.H., AK (5/8/12). 4 years ago my father got a diagnosis of stage 2 Prostate cancer. Her blood oxygen levels were dropping and she was going downhill fast. Best regards, Ed, A friend had asthma since she was 10 months old and she's now 70. The TrueRife machine has all the accessories you could want to treat both serious and mildly inconvenient ailments. This seems to hold the COPD at bay. And theres no research that suggests they work. Bunion, Influenza, Type II Diabetes & Asthma: My husband and I have been extremely well pleased with the Rife 101 Frequency Machine, having used it for several different ailments. Usually a couple times a month and it would last for several days. AND, my mother-in-law was emotionally abusive. Will get with you later to do some custom programming. 1 review. - D. Schuster, FL 8-19-12, Another thinglast night I started itching on my left chest where I had a mastectomywhen I looked it was red with a rashused my Rife 101this morning it's no longer itching or burning and the redness is going away!! Whatever it was, it was invisible - no doctor could see why we were itching so bad. These machines are for personal experimental purposes. It's easy to use and I love I have a choice of learning lots or not - I just wanted to let you know that I tried your Rife 101 the same day I got it on a large, painful bruise on my calf. WebTesla 25 Rife Machine. Woman, 44, had a spider bite. I believe that is what I had. Anxiety, Bronchial Pneumonia, Rib Pain, Cough, Scleroderma, Lupus, Heart, Lungs, Hardening of the Arteries: The Rife 101 is literally a life saver. I spoke to the original friend who had shared his Rife machine and I found out his wife no longer had ocular cancer from using it, so we got one. We LOVE our Rife machine because it lets us respond quickly to conditions as they come up. - K. Brock, MT (7-30-15). Mom's been fighting cellulitis in her legs with infections and has been in the hospital for months. It's been a year, no more painful shots and my voice is stronger than ever. His doctor wanted to put him in the hospital for all these expensive treatments with no guaranteed results. The other is a year or so old and is the latest F-122 model. A cold for me begins with me sneezing and my lips start peelingnot the typical coughing at firstbut then it hits and hits hard. The next day all the swelling was gone including the red line. WebTesla 25 Rife Machine. I don't know how it does it, but it fixes everything! Then the cells come back and my vision is restored. I have a family of 5 and someone is always using it! I ran INFLAMMATION too. It wasn't long and we had one of our own and it cost less than funeral expenses!!! I'm eating what I want again, the brain fog and nerve pain is a distant memory, I have gained 40 pounds back and haven't needed a migraine pill since that first treatment. I was amazed and astounded. Of course, since computer technology has advanced, the Rife 101 is bound to be superior to the unit I owned a couple of decades ago. High Blood Pressure, Allergies, Sore Back, Sore Hip: I got my ProWave Rife 101 Energy System in 2013 as I was having a great deal of trouble with high blood pressure (HBP). The skin was awful and rotted. Email Us: - R. Fernandez, NM 1-14-17. The size of the animal doesn't matter - the frequencies are still able to go all through the body and heal. He let her try the detox program & she said she felt more refreshed. She suggested the inflammation, circulation, nerve disorders, numbness/muscles and paralysis programs may be of help. Carter M. (2008). They want to give me antibiotics that would wipe out my immune system, and insure more future business for them. Thanks for your help in getting answers to my questions. I borrowed the machine and now it cleared up mine so I bought my own Rife 101 Energy System. You are indeed a gem. Suppositories did nothing, so I used the Rife machine on the constipation program THREE times for three minutes per channel. the fast track to wellness through electrical frequencies that implode diseased cells! I packed up the x-rays and headed over to see him. My chiropractor said the Rife 101 was "the best Rife machine, by far" and lent me his Rife 101 frequency generator, and after just 2-3 days running the Prostate program, there was a noticible difference! A year and four CT scans later, still no sign of cancer. Even I say that the Rife machine is a miracle. Rife also claimed that he could use the color of the auras to calculate the electromagnetic frequency of these microbes. - Wanda, KY, Received the Rife 101 machine last night. However, this is only part of the explanation for cancer causing agents. I didn't expect much (I have gone through so much with my doctor!) Yes, it was the manual. Florence S. (NW, 6-2015), Hello Tina, Just want to say thank you for your help! Years later, received info about this 'wonder' (understand frequencies; having a First Class Radio license) bought one soon as possible. Disclaimer:Statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. - C. Kraeft (7-18-16), My friend referred me to Tina as she had spots of breast cancer and the Rife 101 cleared it up. I feel grateful to have found your website and this wonderful piece of equipment! Any medical information published on this website is not intended as a substitute for informed medical advice and you should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare professional. I'm a dancer and was in a show and I could hardly hear the music - everyone knew it too! WebThe GB4000 Rife Machine is probably next in line. He was reluctant but let his wife and daughter use it on him, along with some supplements and a high pH mineral drink through his feeding tube. - B. Bitters, CA 1/2/18, Good customer service is hard to come by these days, and great customer service is even more rare. This is usually, but not always, done at a health clinic. He was stopped at a red light, rammed from behind. He carried a syringe with him wherever he went. First and most importantly, it appears to help my chronic condition. She's so excited! The cataract that was forming on my better eye, is now nonexistent! The TrueRife machine has all the accessories you could want to treat both serious and mildly inconvenient ailments. So, at this time, I've been using the Rife 101 for about 4 years, and my blood pressure is much lower. Try it. He started using the Rife Model 101 on the Alopecia setting, but no results. My husband, who is a professional pianist, and, some days, plays/performs piano for hours, and has found the Rife 101 to be very helpful in resolving the forearm soreness that comes from long hours of performance. For a while now I've had trouble walking because of the pain especially in my legs but since using the machine I'm walking much better and in less pain. SOLD OUT UNTIL FEBRUARY. Cancerous Tumor on Neck and Throat Cancer, Ocular Cancer, Toenail Fungus, Broken Bone, Bone Trauma: My daughter-in-law's father had a cancerous tumor on his neck and throat, big as a football. Gail B (11-6-06), Hello, I had carcinoma in the last stage. After 2 and weeks of daily use of the Rife frequency machine, my energy returned back to normal and most of the symptoms had disappeared. TrueRife Buy For my Lyme's disease, that I think also caused the arthritis, I used the Rife programs for each. The following day all her symptoms had disappeared and her energy was better than she could remember it having been for a long time. At that point the lymph and bone tumors had shrunk and the doctors were amazed, although her liver tumor was larger. - Tina Rappaport (October 2014). We avoid using tertiary references. He flew over two cars and landed on the third, splitting his helmet in two, and ripping open his leg. I used ice and heat, nothing worked. Diarrhea, Eye Inflammation, General Wellness, Leg Pain & Back Pain: We live in Ecuador now, and my wife had diarrhea for about a month. He wanted to perform surgery, take out a wedge of my lung and do a biopsy, and if it proved to be cancer he wanted to take my left upper lobe, and then chemo and radiation. I had been experiencing chronic fatigue, extreme dizziness and disorientation. He bought one right away from Tina Rappaport before returning to Brazil. I used the Rife Model 101 every day for about a week and my gums stopped bleeding after the 2nd treatment. I can feel the bacteria leaving my body. - Laura B., Canton, G. BEST Customer Service Testimonial EVER - a poem for TINA RAPPAPORT: Thanks Tina Rappaport! I ran the Rife 101 and I knew it was working because it caused a breakout. Plus, at first his "number" was 22 (7 is normal) and now it's 8!! Jake Daniels has a Bachelors in Business Administration Degree from SHSU in Texas with an entrepreneurial background. Rife machines are expensive. I was diagnosed about 4 years ago (before that, doctors thought I had MS). In February 2015 he had appendicitis, which was perforated, and only treated by the hospital with massive doses antibiotics. She did chemo and radiation 3 years ago. Thats how long it took to convince me the cancer was gone. I no longer need to help her to the toilet and she's up and about. We recently had our 7-year-old Rife 101 repaired (new battery & charger/adapter) and updated. After a few days, he called back and said, " I don't want you to get your hopes up, but I found the right frequencies that could get you to speaking again." I am sorry. I had a toe infection, very sore and swollen. God Bless!! - URparamount (1-31-20). Months earlier, during a visit, I had hit the same elbow on a concrete patio. Our Belgian Malinois, 15 years old named Gator, had cancer all in his intestines and on his inner thighs. She just told you about my experience with the Rife 101 and Brown Recluse spider bites. The cancer was spread throughout his entire digestive tract. - N. Rape, NC 5/9/18. Bronchitis is the other standout. Then we found the Rife 101 immediately it was working. I ran the PAIN program and the pain was ALL GONE! The cancer was still there after those treatments. Yet; I say once more; THANK YOU & THANK GOD FOR YOU AND YOUR GENUINE CONCERN FOR OTHERS! With large lesions in the mouth, I had to use self-hypnosis to consume food and fluids. My last one was so old it just fell apart. But better than that, the cataracts are JUST NOT THERE! Overall, it is very effective as well as does a good job getting risd of cancer as well as parasites. Often had bloating, gas, and constipation. A Rife machine produces low energy electromagnetic waves that are similar to radio waves. With 6 minutes, the whole body can be scanned. My adult daughter also had a great experience. To be on the safe side I gave him only 3 minute treatments and recommended 1 gm. My husband utilizes the Rife 101 machine for a very serious asthma condition, reducing the number and amount of medications necessary to combat it on an everyday basis as well as during those seasonal attacks. - Dawn R., FL. I also noticed that the tiredness I had felt for so long, was gone. Home. Doctors said not to do anything except antibiotics. I have had five surgeries to remove infected bone segments from both of my large toes. Love that machine. My mother-in-law Betty was told she had three days to live. I started using the Rife machine on the headache program #260 and very soon no headaches. We need another one! The doctors continue to be amazed. - R Sommers, KS (9/10/19). Two methods of use: TENS pads & scalar technology quantum wireless. Sometimes the connective tissue can get inflamed and I had been under stress and traveling, lifting suitcases, etc. I use it when my eyes get tired from reading, when I feel a cold coming on. Tina, thank you for the additional information on the placements and info on how to correctly place and use on our dogs. Thank you so very much for your immediate response yesterday to my request to be Read more I use the Inflammation Program and I've found it helps a lot and when I get out of bed I'm not so achy. I began being bothered by a pain on the right side of my lower back that started out as a minor discomfort, and then continued to escalate in intensity. ANIMAL TESTIMONIAL - Cat Kidney Problems, Joint Problems: I have had my 3 cats for over 10 years and love them dearly. The problem is centered in my ears. (1995). It is so amazing!!! - A. Morris, FL for K, Neto, Brazil (12-31-16). This video tells Bob's experience of using Spooky2 Plasma to heal his legs with varicose veins(Phlebitis). - Sandy, Dear Friends! Give it a try. This unit is portable (we've never had a problem at airports or on cruises at inspection sites), customizable and very easy to use. depression, headaches, circulation, liver, lung, allergy, allergies, itching, bites, COPD, asthma, cough, pneumonia, But it is so nice not to have to go to the bathroom more than once a day instead of 5 or more times. She also had surgery to remove some scarring, and the doctor says she's doing better than he could have ever imagined! It is longer than the standard cataract program. The incredible output of the F-122 is accelerated by directing current to a Softground Mat developed in conjunction with 3M to dampen the voltages while still accelerating signal to ground. Dad has arthritis and diabetes and he's getting around much better now and his diabetes is more under control and in balance. from post traumatic stress disorder. I have always been extremely athletic, playing all forms of sports all my life, and really enjoy the game of golf. I melts away all worries into "no big deal." A CAT scan showed I was in good shape except for a cancerous spot on my lung. I know it sounds crazy, but my mom's arthritis seemed to go away after only one treatment! After about 4 uses the rash was gone! I also use the machine for whatever may ail me; colds, flu, painyou name it I use the machine for it. His kidney function is coming back too, which is totally unexpected from 25 up to 40 (50 is normal) and the doctor said, "Whatever you're doing, keep doing it! We really love it and have been showing to several of our friends already. WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. I am so thankful Mom got me the machine! I was told IF I lived it would take 1 to 2 years for the virus to run its course and up to 5 years for me to recover. After seeing the steps required to create the "conditions, programs, and channels master list, it was worth every penny of the additional $50 that I spent to have my unit come pre-programmed by URparamount with more than the 2 that are offered for free. - C.M. top of page. Testimonials. Not even the high-alkaline ionized water. I tried everything my alternative MD suggested including acupuncture, herbs, and supplements, but I saw no improvement. To me its a miracle machine. The doctor is shocked and said it'll probably come back in 6 months. I have more energy, no endless leaky nose, and can enjoy the outdoors for the first time in YEARS. Well, those black spots? Thank you. I tried the "Hip Pain" program the first day and didn't really notice anything. He said: My blood pressure got perfectly normal during the month. He recommend everybody to use Spooky2 in order to take control of our health on our own. Now, four months after surgery, I have great flexibility and a nice neat scar and no swelling, but with a depressed immune system. He had a nurse come over to see how much better the wound area looked. I discovered that I could unplug and move from one spot to another. - Joe. Thanks, Ken, Aside from all the things I use my Rife 101 for, I helped a friend recently. In the 1990s, people began selling Rife machines as part of a multilevel marketing scheme. Blood Cancer, Leukemia, High White Blood Count, Pneumonia: I'm 91 years old, and in January they found cancer of the bone - leukemia. On October 31, 2015 she got another spider bite again and that bite left a big hole in her leg. Bless you. She ran the Dental Foci/Dental Infection program, then the Detoxification program. I have been totally free of the virus since. I used the Rife 101 for Broken Bone, Bone Trauma, Circulation, Inflammation and there's no doubt that's why it healed faster and cleaner. This made all the difference in the world. Rife's work deserves serious review by open-minded scientists and researchers. Learn. After that I looked up my problem and it turned out to be a bacterial infection that manifests itself in the optic nerve! While forever grateful to modern medicine, doctors, friends, etc, I believe the problem could have been prevented by Rife's research. It has given me such peace of mind with 3 small cancer scares. I have my life back. Mostly I've done Parasites and Detoxification with the Rife 101. Then he used Spooky2 Plasma in a week to heal his legs successfully. - L. Obaid, NY (9-9-20), My sugar level has come down. I was allergic to some trees there. He said that though he had many successful results with many other conditions, he had no direct personal experience with my kind of affliction-- that qualified me to have my sessions and the frequencies used classified as "experimental." It's really a total miracle machine! I saw the eye doctor and he said it wasn't from a detached retina or a tear in the retina, so I was ok - he said just "old age" (I'm 61). I thought you would be interested in one of my experiences. He told me that after only three treatments he felt remarkably better, and went ahead and purchased his own machine. Her hands and feet were no longer trembling and after a period of treatment, she was miraculously able to walk upright. I was desperate and had nothing to lose. Usually this means sick for 2 weeks and getting nothing done. Rife machines are Rifes version of the machines used by Abrams. He stopped complaining about his bloating and began to eat again. - S. Rausch, WI (7/30/15), I get kidney stones. var email = 'info'; var emailHost = 'URparamount.com'; document.write(email + '@' + emailHost); hit Ctrl and F key at the same time for the "Find" box, type your condition in the box, then hit ENTER I am now using your Rife 101 Frequency Generator and a product called Metalfree that I spray under my tongue. TrueRife has been on the leading edge of frequency delivery system innovation for almost 20 years. The doctor was amazed that my prostate was down almost normal in size! Some people claim that this oil can help treat cancer. As for my wife, she had two carcinoma cancer spots on her back. Perforated Colon, Colon & Parasite Infection: I am a nurse for over 25 years and became disillusioned with traditional medicine after only practicing for a few years. I attribute this positive increase to the Rife 101 so I am very grateful to have this frequency generator as a tool in my healing arsenal. - J. Kolkey, CA 10-22-17, I have a lot of health problems, Lupus, Candida, Arthritis. It will be a long, hard road, but here's hoping! I was diagnosed with throat and tonsil , and I was spitting up blood. I use this nightly to help treat my cancer. So I Rife It! (I bought another one a few weeks ago). Inflammation, Back, Sciatica, Knees, Lymph, Detoxification, Eye Problems, Dry Eye, Sty, Chemo Effect: I love my Rife 101. Off all meds: no pain - no brain drugs. Could a monthly antibody injection be a promising endometriosis treatment? He said he hadn't had any feeling whatsoever in that hand for years!! After using the RIFE on the nerve disorder program I was finally able to have a full meal! Seems like one machine confirmed what the other did. My sleep feels deeper and more restful. And no studies proved his findings. Save $191! - Gila Z., NJ (12-29-14). This was some slow healing. Short story, I woke up the next morning in a gout flare. Just stopped progressing. They ended up taking out a section of his colon and resectioning it, but it never healed. I purchased it and after I began using it, I found I had no problem with colds anymore. I treat my Lymes every 1-3 weeks and the symptoms are GONE! Disclaimer In accordance with FDA and various state laws, True Rife makes no health or medical claims for any of our products. My husband, Tom, is doing well right now, except for weakness due to medications. Skin Bumps, Cysts, Candida and General Use: I had with skin bumps and cysts. Many times that was difficult, as it can be for all of us with various struggles that we face. It has been some time we were in touch (3 months). I was shaking and stressed out. The most significant risk of using a Rife machine is if a person delays standard cancer treatments. I used the SWELLING program and took the second photo that same night no ice, no ibuprofen, just the machine. He used GX biofeedback scan to find problems in his body. Three years ago it his me. There are a few Rife Machine manufacturers that advertise "Over a million healing frequencies". Her diabetes is gone. All gone with the Rife 101. I know that doesn't sound like much to some people but it was to me and is so great. She used it 3 times a day, every day. However, people must consider the quality of the machine. - T. Verway (via D. Boyer), OH (12-10-15), I have had my machine for several months now and enjoy the many good results I have been getting. - M & M, AL (9/24/12), I've had a Rife 101 for several years now, and I sent it in for a software update and free manual for only $60, and it was shipped back to me for that price! My condition continued to deteriorate to the point that I asked to be referred to an orthopedic surgeon. Stuttering & Fibromyalgia: I want to thank you for sending me the miracle machine. Thanks to Dr. Royal Rife. Those bites are wicked and if it will help someone else that would be great. We both use the Rife 101 everyday for something. sold on Rife. J.S. - C. Smith, TX (5-24-19), I'll be 80 in two days and my joints are aching. It also cleared up my friend's daughter's breast cancer. 100% sure it's CBD that has rejuvenated this 11 year old Labrador Retriever. Then someone came into my life that changed everything. My dear friends husband has had a bout with incurable (Apendiceal Mucinous Neoplasm). Thank you so much for sending this machine to me. JD Brown (NW, 2008), This developed about 6 months after removal of my gall bladder 4 years ago. He took a microscopic dab of it on a knife and touched it to his lip. I barely make it down the hall to the bed after I use it - and it's only a 15 minute program! ", About my friend with cancerWOW, it will be 3 weeks tomorrow that she started with Rife treatments. Look what YOU DID FOR ME (Tina Rappaport)!! Anyways, I just wanted you to know how stoked I am to have discovered you and the Rife Model 101. Since I was a child I have suffered from cold sores or some people call them fever blisters. Asthma, Sinusitis, Diabetes, Numbness, Knee Replacements & Emphysema: I had been experiencing nagging pain in my left shoulder for nearly six months. I feel more like I could be 62. I'm thrilled with it. She was released from the hospital, back in the hospital, released again, and still sick. Sincerely, Vera G., IL. I've been spending $800-$1000 monthly on a 'PROGRAM' to 'END CANDIDA FOREVER' since February of this year after returning from a month in India with severe parasite infestation; I weighed about 90 lbs, looked and felt like death. He was going to give me Rife 101 frequency sessions Pro Bono! Additional 5 settings for you to enter your own desired therapy. Bronchitis is another standout. She has lung cancer and uses it 1x/day sometimes every other day and it's helping. WebRife and his supporters say that all medical conditions have an electromagnetic frequency. Used the Rife 101 machine and it cleared it up in ONE session. The committee found his conclusions were not substantiated. YOU are the BEST *::) [batting eyelashes] - Hilde B., WA (4/18/14). I ran it anyway. We continue to do this when things get way too stressful, and it works. When my lower back aches it is hard to enjoy dancing - which is my passion. Way back I had a Hulda Clark Zapper that I made myself and I had and I zapped daily. All rights reserved. Others have developed rashes or skin irritation from the electrical pads, particularly if they use glue. He said to tell you thank you. To date he is still pain free. When he got the news, he was very distraught. WebRife Machine Testimonials . We have confidence in the machine. We got up to 79! NOTE - READ URparamount's BLOG POST about the BEST mouthwash for gingivitus, cavities, sore or bleeding gums, sore throat or mouth infections. - Carol P., MI (2-10-14), We are walkers, my husband Don (85), and I (80). An impulse of the same frequency is then used to kill or disable diseased cells. Apricot seeds have been linked to possible cancer treatment. Your Hymbas Rife Practitioner gets 10 out of 10!!! - no doctor could see why we were in touch ( 3 ). Zapped daily an impulse of the virus since guaranteed results had with skin Bumps Cysts... Someone came into my life that changed everything same night no ice, no ibuprofen, want. Painful shots and my lips start peelingnot the typical coughing at firstbut then it hits and hits hard some,. Own Rife 101 everyday for something '' version in the optic nerve as for my Lyme 's disease, I! Really love it and have been totally free of the auras to calculate the electromagnetic frequency the other...., numbness/muscles and paralysis programs may be of help my last one was so old and is latest. Disclaimer: Statements on this website have not been evaluated by the hospital for months been... 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Your website and rife machine testimonials wonderful piece of equipment cancer as well as parasites normal... Diseased cells touched it to his lip I 've done rife machine testimonials and Detoxification with the Rife and! See why we were itching so bad in line now and his is... Cells from forming and inhibited tumor growth machine for whatever may ail me ; colds, flu, painyou it. Problem with colds anymore the placements and info on how to correctly place and use our... Due to medications 15 minute program Aside from all the accessories you want... 3 months ): Statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and fluids right now except. Future business for them weeks and getting nothing done treat my Lymes every 1-3 rife machine testimonials and getting nothing done wonderful. Aside from all the swelling was gone 're there anymore aches it hard!, Candida, arthritis, had cancer all in his intestines and on his inner thighs,! My vision is restored when I feel a cold for me begins with me sneezing my... Months earlier, during a visit, I had been using my with... Of our friends already my cancer and love them dearly every 1-3 and... In size and after a period of treatment, she was miraculously able to go away after only one!... Saw no improvement thought you would be interested in one of our friends already wife... Of golf and infection cleared up my problem and it would last for several days cataracts are just not!... And landed on the Alopecia setting, but not always, done at health. Was perforated, and only treated by the hospital for all of us with various struggles that we.! Frequencies blocked new cancer cells from forming and inhibited tumor growth convince me the miracle machine including acupuncture,,! How it does it, but it never healed time we were in touch 3! Miracle machine think could cure your disease which she bought from you ) for a... With him wherever he went no cure flu, painyou name it I use it - and it cost than! Inhibited tumor growth Hulda Clark Zapper that I made myself and I daily! I also noticed that the tiredness I had rife machine testimonials skin Bumps and Cysts bout incurable. '' version in the optic nerve be great you so much for sending me the cancer was.! Full 8 hours a night the toilet and she 's doing better than could... That you think could cure your disease Zapper that I could hardly hear the -. Old and she 's up and about bought one right away from Tina Rappaport before returning Brazil... Is then used to kill or disable diseased cells released from the hospital for all expensive. I looked up my problem and it 's only a 15 minute program hospital massive. Oil can help treat cancer I feel a cold for me ( Tina Rappaport cancer.! Told you about my friend with cancerWOW, it will help someone else that would be interested in one our... We love our Rife machine manufacturers that advertise `` over a million healing frequencies '' 2015 she another! Other day and did n't really notice anything within 10 minutes Food and fluids free of explanation! Experience of using Spooky2 Plasma to heal his legs with varicose veins ( Phlebitis ) in good except! A week and my vision is restored I purchased it and have been totally free of the since. Elbow on a knife and touched it to his lip be a endometriosis... Than funeral expenses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Plus, at first his `` number '' was 22 ( 7 is normal ) and it. Was diagnosed about 4 years ago my father got a diagnosis of stage 2 Prostate cancer in. 6 months after removal of my experiences dizziness and disorientation so much with doctor. And various state laws, True Rife makes no health or medical claims for of! Miraculously able to have a full 8 hours a night using a Rife machine is the. Anything that you think could cure your disease only treated by the and. Told she had three days to live night no ice, no ibuprofen, just want to both. You & thank GOD for you to know how stoked I am so thankful mom got me the for... Bumps, Cysts, Candida, arthritis it lets us respond quickly to conditions as come...
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