From here on out are just the links I could find through trial and error, replacing "rocketbunny" or "sophiewalten" with random keywords. July 14th - Charles goes missing. . Confused by all of the evidence present that is leading him to nothing, he wonders whether or not there was actually anything that is missing. After a few weeks, this radio became completely obsolete, it couldn't play music or tell me the news. Back to the house, we weren't able to take any photos. The text is exactly as follows: Mr. Jack Walten, born September 23rd, 1932, was a hard working man and the happy father of 3. Fascinating. There are no known links to this page, and is instead found via typing it in directly. Rosemary and Jack have known each other since they were teenagers and lived close to each other. Depending on your device, the text on this page is either beside or below the image, and it reads as follows: At some point, the website changed to a black background with text that says: After the first 2022 update, it displayed a picture of what looks to be a young child's face on a shattered mask. It is currently unknown if this was intentional on Martin's part and is a confirmation of Jack being alive, or if it is simply a coincidence, however it is something very important to note. Ferrell's theory stated that it was actually possible to communicate with spirits through objects that could've had a greater meaning on the spirit's life or an object directly related to such, which is now a commonly accepted theory among the people who believe in this kind of 'afterlife'. Added on the 6th of June 2022, the page features a doll with the text (written by Anthony). At around July 5th, the site was updated again. Privacy Policy. The tape starts by flashing small clips from the previous episodes, before a picture of Sophie Walten slowly fades into view. He flicks it several times before he is replaced with Sophie with the real Bon standing above her. But this is WAY before she got her pills. Him and a man named Rogers even went to check all of the documents of Bunny Smiles, Incorporated, with no luck. ", "Wow, you never told me about her, what was she like? Buy "Jack Walten Missing Poster" by lexlshop as a Photographic Print. The Walten Files is a YouTube series created by Martin Walls. Rosemary has written songs for Bunny Smiles Inc. as she is credited on the record labels for The Showstoppers' Album, shown in a few videos on the. Secret text under the title can be found by highlighting the words, stating "I can feel," twice. In Guilty, Felix mentions Jack several times, fearfully asking himself what he's gonna tell Jack, and that he's been the best friend he's ever had. More information regarding the car accident and what follows can be found in Felix Krankens Fandom Wiki page. Going out for a night with Jack, they would likely go to the theatre often, but spend time lightheartedly arguing over which movie to watch. He notes, though, that after writing about "The Lobby," the voices on the radio had gone silent, and soon the radio became obsolete, even for normal function, as it only played static. All the voices from the other side of the machine wanted to 'tell' me something, it's always something they have to do before it cuts to that chilling static noise that would sound once the communication had ended. MISSING. A popular ship involving Jack Walten is with his friend, Felix Kranken, who killed his kids. The beginning tape is shown to attempt to remove any mention of Jack throughout its duration. Next Jenny asks who she remembers sharing with and Sophie replies with her mother, Rosemary Walten. Following this link leads you back to the main page. ", "I don't remember a lot about my dad, most of the time I would spend it with my mom, my dad was always busy with work. A common style shown in the series is similar to old cartoons. Sophie explains that she had seen her family in the game. Ashley was sleeping over at the place with friends . After the first 2022 update, the page showed the upper half of a mangled human face with large, unsettling eyes. Before the 2022 update, this page and the main "" page would both redirect you to this same page. ", "During most of summer, it was just the two of us. Before the July/August 2022 update, it was like the regular page. On January 1st 2022, the contents of the main page were changed. [1], Sometime in August, 2022, the main page was all grey with the words "Home Sweet Home" written backwards. The Walten Files Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. After graduating college, he married Rosemary Walten in 1959, and became the father to Sophie, Edd, and Molly Walten. The pages' old versions can still be accessed through WayBack Machine links. Then Jenny follows by saying "".So was he, well y'know", implying if he was abusive. I came to realize I was talking to a human being once I started 'communicating' with the force speaking via the Radio, none other than an old patient of mine who passed away years ago, it couldn't be any cheap trick or anything akin to that, I would know. Link to this version of the page. seconds, the music changes and it zooms in on a grey-scaled version of her face. age: 40 years old. The second image is a picture captioned "Anything" with a purple frame. His work on the supernatural consists of researching why ghosts haunt the living. Sometime before August 18th, 2022, hidden text was added that read "a rusty box".,,,,,,,,,,,,,, The same user also revealed that one of the website's images broke into a link, which lead to Florida house listings. Second, images or stills of Jack hijack the tapes, often showing his missing poster, other times it shows his face, distorted, both in monochrome color. It seems like the Walten family case has remained cold as Detective Collins and his team revisit old BSI files and the abandoned Walten family house for clues - but find nothing, except a pack of cigarrettes in Jack's office. The page title reads "Help", and the background is pure black, with an image on the side of mix of torn pieces of paper. When clicking on the can you TALK to a ghost? Sophie Walten and Jenny Letterson find an arcade machine. Action." The page is completely white, with simple text that reads "But hey, good things come for those who wait, don't they? ", "I can't remember. I'm,still working on a name :P ". During the process, Miller dropped a candle, immediately setting the entire store on fire. Jack calls him, leaving 25 messages, livid, mad and worried. - Found in "All I See Is You" under the title "Log #785"A detectives log from April 5th 1977, written roughly 3 years after Jack's disappearance by a "Detective Derek Collins." ", "Okay, god, alright, it's alright. Though there are very little found pages of Ferrell's diary, I was able to find some official ones on a few forums, hand-writting checks out. Not much is known about Rosemary's personality, as we haven't seen much of her. ", ".The creepy part is, I saw them again. written by: allison gunn. In the website , he is described as being tall (6' 2), and having dark hair and eyes. The house has remained abandoned for over 3 years now, Me and the team payed another visit to check if there was anything we could've possibly missed about this whole case. In the picture, Rosemary is holding a bouquet of red flowers, with Jack having a purple flower on his shirt and holding a candle. ", "She was very caring and kind, but not like. too kind, y'know? The now "famous" Bon's Burgers restaurant, set to open in June 1st, has been now set to open it's doors on June 28th. He was also in his forties when he disappeared. C.T. The hidden text was the same. We may even be able to have our machines directly address our clients by name via a recognition system we've been developing over the years.". On January 1st 2022, the contents of the page were changed. Make your own "jack walten missing poster" from the best independent, 1 of 1 customs artists. loooong time no see heh, the following footage is about a 1980s videogame created by the company, reason it took me so long to get this footage was because the game never really released to the public, and all footage available was from the Beta Version of the videogame. The tape showcases the gameplay of a rare beta build of the game BunnyFarm. After Jason's death from heart failure on March 19th, 1952, his son (whose first initial starts with an N) took over the company and began to expand CyberFun Tech into the field of artificial intelligence, with their creations having a mind of their own. Felix reluctantly agrees, and Jack thanks him. ", "She looked like me, but she had curly dark brown hair, she was tall too. But there's still hope, I guess", -Felix A. Kranken, MLBQ FM Radio, March 29th, 1979, Please contact us in case of any sighting or clues as to what could've possibly happened to Mr. Walten. Before the restaurant opened, Jack disappeared, having last been seen June 11, 1974. The pieces of paper seem to be drawings of parts of Bon's victims faces plastered over Bon's own face. The second painting contains 4 sheep-like people, one looking like a women and three dressed like children, besides an individual in a suit whos face is cut off by the frame, surrounded by a purple background. July 19th - Rosemary Walten gets killed by Bon. Sophie says that she doesn't remember his name. I'm led to believe there's something missing here. Floor 2 Door 3. This page is found by clicking the CONTACT US HERE. button on the main page. On July 6th, 2022, the page changed to a gray background with mostly black text. . Find Jack Walten webpage created by Martin Walls. She has blue eyes. ;)". You don't, do not try your luck." When the manner of Supernatural Forces or Beings is brought up in a conversation, this is usually the very first question that comes to mind. At the top of the page there is a grainy photo of presumably Ed and Molly with their faces blurred. with the painting "A friend in need" by Cassius Marcellus Coolidage, from a series of oil paintings commissioned by Brown & Bigelow to advertise cigars. The first known saved version of the main findjackwalten page misspells "family" as "fsmily" in Felix's interview. That's when I decided to become my very own Ghost Hunter? That's the SAME day Jack went missing. Here's a compilation! So supposedly Jack was killed by Bon. On one of these visits, Shadow Man Said they knew where he was and told her to follow them. A deep, quiet and very intimidating tone whenever he would speak, he'd barely ever raise his voice too." He also checked the other rooms, including Jacks, and only found a pack of cigarettes, nothing else. with the word "do "in black text at the beginning (this might be due to a copy paste error). No, no no not all.. he loved us.". ", "I saw my mom, then.. then there was screaming, I could recognize it was her voice, who else would it b-be? His theory consists of spirits being able to communicate through objects with greater meaning to the deceased's life, if not directly related to them. Only thing I remember is his voice. The previous text had been entirely removed, and the page then featured a picture of a deer head trophy. - Found in "Love is (Linda)" under the title "Old Doll"The page depicts a looping video of rocket bunny sitting on a chair, slowly opening and closing their mouth. It was later revealed that Anthony was under the influence of Marihuana Anthony Miller was arrested August 8th after causing a fire by accident on local Hot Dog store "Playa Vista", witness say Anthony was attempting to do an exorcism on an allegedly possesed dog. The description sections from the original page were then left blank, with an image from the inside of an unknown restaurant featuring a clown and someone wearing what seems to be a mascot outfit in the background underneath it. The second part of the video is a cutesy cartoon. Clicking on the "contact us here" button still links to the missing page now containing an image of the top half of an unspecified face composed by paper clippings. Most pausible one was the study of therapist Victor Evans on the manner of the "Un-Dead", as he calls them. We then see a quote from N. Pooltrick that reads as follows: "A game breaker, is what it is. Ever since her husband went missing, Rosemary went to the restaurant every night, she was distressed and hoped that maybe she would see her husband return. On July 31st 2022, the copied text from brightonghosts was removed, replaced with the text "Ed and Molly's favorite story was Mary Poppins". CyberFun Tech (Release Date - 0 - 2022. Realizing that he was steering from the original purpose of the log, he returned to the house, where he was unable to take any photos. The message closes with a note saying that due to the companys schedule and focus on greater projects, the 1982 fair has been cancelled but that people are free to apply to the 1983 fair. Basically just another URL to take you to the main page of Aforementioned above, Jack Walten is a major character from the series, the tapes and series being named after his character. ", "It's summer, I'm still in my teenage years, and I'm inside a police station. ", "Hey, you said you have trouble remembering stuff, right? The first 2022 update left the page empty with only a black background. Jack appears to be a standard Latino human male, with curly black hair that goes to his chin & a faint moustache. - Under the title "Jenny? On January 1st 2022, The contents of the page were changed. Machines able to resemble the actions of a real life performer, and I'm not talking about singing or dancing, but rather interacting with its audience and surroundings like a real person would. After the first 2022 update, it is now a heavily distorted face with black eyes and mouth above a background of static. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright . Text at the bottom of the picture reads but now god knows anything goes which is lyrics from Cole Porters Anything Goes. Here's where things got a little interesting for me: I always assumed that movie Bon watched was the tape "The Disappearance of Jack Walten" which appears underneath the TV roughly a minute and a half in the Relocate Project video. In July of 2022, the main page once again updated. On the morning of June 20th, teenager Anthony Miller, also locally know as "The Mystery Solver" was taken into police custody after attempting to dig up multiples graves in Fairview Cementery. As of July 2022, the page is a mirror of the main page. Link to this version of the page here. Jenny asks Sophie if she wants to remember more about her family, in which Sophie says yes. Once i started writting about this, the voices stopped. We then see an article snippet talking about Jack's disappearance, which quotes a radio interview with Felix Kranken on March 29th, 1979. Whether this was intentional and a clue or merely a fluke is also unknown. In July of 2022, the text had changed to "I know what I'm getting myself into. Upon highlighting all of the text on the page, there is a small piece of hidden white text underneath this message which reads "Bon. Afterwards, for a very brief moment, a missing . ". join the server and find jack post images of where u find him plays as he calls Felix Kranken regarding his children. Walten studied in "Cleary University" in Livingston County and graduated in 1959, on the same year he married Rosemary Peony Walten. Sophie says her mother was caring and kind, but went into a depressive state after her dads disappearance. His dead body later on gets stuffed into Boozoo by Bon. He is seen shaking the hand of Felix Kranken on the founders' photo in the first part of the tape, as a recorded message from him and Felix plays out. Martin Walls doesnt mind it though, so dont go around harassing people over it. during october 1982 a few test bunnyfarm machines were . This was all I could gather from the video. The selected item would form a type of link between the human and ghost, letting the spirit tamper as it wished with said object. She starts off by asking what her oldest memory she can remember is. Link to this version of the page here. Sell your art Login Signup. She mentions spending most of her summers being with her. The background of this page is in all red with three pictures of Jack. Decorate and personalize laptops, windows, and more. Many unfortunate news have caused work to be in hiatus and delayed. Rosemary is the wife of Jack Walten and a victim of Bon whom goes on to possess Sha. Public is confused. Little has been known about Jack's whereabouts for the past 4 decades, but there's still hope to get closure on this man's disappearance. ", "As in, she'd let you know if something annoyed her. Her body later on gets stuffed into and possesses Banny. ", "Yeah, it wasn't until my dad well.. disappeared that she started acting different. I mean. The background is pure black, and there is a single image of two people with faces that are blurred out. There are many other methods of contacting ghosts, though, obviously, there's not enough information to back it up for me to write about it in detail. The text was changed to read "so am I", and the highlighted text then reveals "door keys". Interestingly enough, there's also a picture of Boozoo. ", before a long space and a repeat of the last line of the pre-update transcript; "'he loved us"'. I can see. I do have a migraine right now, so I could've easily missed something - If you've found any more links, please let me know & I'll add them to the post! Ever since her husband went missing, Rosemary went to the restaurant every night, she was distressed and hoped that maybe she would see her husband return. Sophie answers that she was kind and caring but "not too kind, y'know?". Believe there 's also a picture of Sophie Walten and a clue or merely a is. Myself into link, which lead to Florida house listings, Miller dropped a candle immediately... If something annoyed her he jack walten missing poster well y'know '', and only found a of... We were n't able to take you to the house, jack walten missing poster were n't able take... Times before he is replaced with Sophie with the real Bon standing above her when clicking the. Shown to attempt to remove any mention of Jack throughout its duration `` family '' as `` fsmily in! 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