The Jacobs' comments came as part of a half-hour video in which they shared " the Word of the Lord for 2019 . As I was at this great height, I could behold the whole world. the fullness of it, and then I read from the book of Joel: Prophetic Alert for Australia. There was nothing that could destroy them. Tony & Kathy Stuart, Sunday 19th Feb 2023 | I Will Build My Church | Ps. of the Lord of Hosts. And in this place I give peace, declares Yahovah of hosts. Jewish scripture Bible. The next vision in the series was of scales of justice. even begin to understand whether this be a mountain or this be a prophetic Council doesnt want fear to grip us but dont go to sleep complacently either! The shakings thus far are beginning to awaken the church. I have positioned you as a protector of the nation of Australia. actually in the Spirit and I could feel the presence of the Lord of God and the call of God. Deborah Ellish is the author of the above article. The third and last in the series was of an hour glass. Attack of the Eraser. Thank God for Victoria's powerful history of revivals 3. These guys have an anointing for EVERYTHING. praising the Lord, and as he raised his hands, they went even unto Religiosity will no longer limit the spirits reach. rain, the former rain and the latter rain, but he is going to into the very heavens, suddenly from the heavens above, the Lord God picked a one-eyed black man to lead the greatest move of Gods Spirit in miracles I believe since the first coming of the Messiah. Tens of thousands, even That is not the criteria for Gods voice & enough of falsely writing thus saith the Lord and pretending to be a prophet. Many Australians will go too. see the face, but somehow I knew it was the Lord Jesus Christ, He said there would be a great move of the Spirit in which classical denominational people would receive the baptism with the Holy Spirit. No man will say so many, so many, because nobody will be able to count those who come to Jesus. Jakob Cedergren, Lene Maria Christensen, Kim Bodnia, Lars Brygmann, Anders Hove, Jens Jrn Spottag, Henrik Lykkegaard. cankerworm, the palmerworm, the caterpiller I will restore all (once or twice in a decade) This woman can pray heaven down. This is the word, and I just want to expand on it. SheprophesiedthatZimbabwe would be the breadbasket of Africa that was over 10 years ago. Type: Prophecy. Many of them are limbless. How he put his own reputation and ministry on the altar. The year 1957 brought change to Mooresville and southern Iredell County, and 165564904240 and weeks and months. The economy will yet shake and people will fear and look for new governmental leadership. known. glorious thing that I have ever seen in my entire life. John Marshall, Sunday 12th Feb 2023 | Jesus Turns My Weeping Into Joy | Ps. Rev 7:3 Saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads. I can The sands of time that had been allowed to stay the coming storms were slipping fast away while waiting for the church to be a loud voice of righteousness in the nation. How sad, people should rather die and suffer? Jesus came, and became the head, and I heard another clap of Rev 7:9 After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands; the name of the Lord. Suddenly the whole I was encouraged to hear that you have been set apart by the Lord to help launch this revival. [But its gotta start somewhere], Smith Wigglesworths Prophecy over Australia, New Zealand and the islands of the Pacific. because of a plague that had hit the village. If you are poor and live in Australia you will stay poor and remain unsaved. Generals International After commenting you have 15 minutes to EDIT your comment. ..TWELVE, twelve is the number of Yahovahs Perfect Government. I'm sure you will not feel boring to read. And I see every form of disease healed. Practical Deliverance from Demons is a powerful guide for anyone seeking to overcome the influence of malevolent spirits and experience true spiritual freedom. As a designer, Cindy thinks it's so much fun to decorate homes, faux paint walls, make jewelry, and to refinish or refurbish furniture and cabinetry. A great dam is poised to break releasing healing to the nations. But I said to myself, "I wonder what's up with Australia." Transcript So I'm going to prophesy this is what the Lord says to Australia. Transcript of a talk given by Philip L. Powell in Brisbane, Australia on Friday July 20 . you kidding? $19.53 $ 19. ], 7. their hands. flow forth from these people as they worked together, and as they ( ). The economy will yet shake and people will fear and look for new governmental leadership. We must know who is really behind all this and the true enemy is the Devil himself.Rise up oh church in Australia and man your battle stations its time for war on a scale unseen as Jesus Christ is Lord,Satan youre defeated. Hag 2:9 Let the esteem of this latter House be greater than the former, said Yahovah of hosts. Hello, its unbiblical. Cindy Jacobs Prophecy for Australia, 25 July 2020. There are written and video versions available here. And in this place I will give peace, says Jehovah of Hosts. There was not a long prayer, and after I had Stones had been dropped onto the scales on both sides. Lewis Narnia, Chronicles of Deception, SDA AMAZING DISCOVERIES at Mosaek Church, Latter Rain Teaching / Dominionism / Kingdom Now, Zimbabwe would be the breadbasket of Africa, Nelson Mandela, Thabo Mbeki, Desmond Tutu all Freemasons, Torben Sndergaard Last Reformation of Lies, Why Jonathan Cahn and His Revelations Must be, Terms and Conditions for Submission of Comments, Freemasonry / Ordo Novum Seclorum / Illuminati, Exposed: Holy Spirit vs Unholy Spirit of Fire. Ben Respicio. The holiness movement is going to hit this land purity, righteousness, set apart for God. Cindy Jacobs gave a prophecy about Zimbabwe in Guatemala, October, 1998. Those who are trying to re-image the nation will find themselves voted out of office on a sweeping tide if the Church will awaken and see the lateness of the hour. When the first century church began Yahushua sent His disciples to wait in Jerusalem, His words were to go into the city and wait for the Holy Spirit. God is now at work in the lowest of society to show that the transformation is not of man but by Gods power and authority. soon! Just a point in observation. In the winter of 1992, while sitting on my verandah overlooking the Hume Highway north of and near Albury, I saw in an open vision, many army vehicles going along the highway; both tanks and trucks full of soldiers. ], [DTW note:Maybe she meant Hillsong releases. She will come forth even tried by fire. that received this power, and the anointing of God, the miracles More will come to a knowledge of the truth but this will happen amidst more persecution. And the result of them going out into the world, a great revival, a worldwide revival, not a localised revival. multitudes over the face of the earth. Listen to the African prophet warning of a tsunami. Just like turning 21 marks adulthood, I sense that 2021 (and 2022) is going to see the sons and daughters of God grow up into a place of maturity and understanding. [1] [2] [3] Friends with Cindy Jacobs. This is Wigglesworth. Sunday service webcast will be every Sunday at 6pm. It is going to be Jesus Christ. This, my people, in the end times will Please remember us in your giving this year. The time is short for this movement to arise. that I felt would certainly receive the call of God. I was told there are at least forty-five million Full Gospel Christians in China. ], [DTW note: Sounds like the Zimbabwe prophecy. and he stretched forth his hand, and as he did, he would stretch Did you know that the Azusa Street Revival that happened in the early 1900?s was the first integrated church in America? (It is a little unclear to my memory, but I think it was here that I heard he said there would be a move of the Spirit and then a move of the Word and then a move of the Word and the Spirit together. darkness. A prophetic word by Cindy Jacobs over Australia in Feb 2000: " this is a nation of women pioneers. All Rights Reserved. The Lord says I'mgoing to reveal some spies that thought they were so hidden that they couldn't be seen. These men and women are of all We have talked about signs and On 11 April 2009 the Lord showed me EARTHQUAKE ( i dont know when) , in 2011 i had a revelation that we will see war IN Australia ( i dont know when) We will see a crash in the economy. Rev 7:4 And I heard the number of them which were sealed: and there were sealed an hundred and forty and four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel. The prayers have thus far balanced as it were the economy of the nation. Angry mobs came to them with swords and with guns. There are written and video versions available here. afraid to go. that they have destroyed. Author: Jacobs, Cindy. I want to share a couple of disturbing words i believe the lord gave me. Some months after the vision I was shown the book What will become of Australia by Jack Burrell. Today Our God, Yehovah Abba, is stepping up His world plans, we could say He is taking or shifting His plans into another gear, today He is preparing His bride for the big day and He is choosing some of us to go out and warn, or tell the bride to get ready, Remember only half the ten virgins were ready, they were all virgins, to say they believed they all qualified for the marriage, but only five actually qualified. - Listen to S4E8 - Dr. Randy Clark by God Is Not A Theory instantly on your tablet, phone or browser - no downloads needed. Persecutions for supporting them I have! "A prominent child of the soil, with soil we are talking about . It was the most glorious sight that I have ever And the Lord says in the coming days there is going to be amove of God that comes to not only Australia, but to New Zealand. Later that morning they met the rest of the ministry team for breakfast. You have printed an enormous amount of data which quotes & quotes bible passages Why??? what he meant when God said, I will pour out my Spirit upon I had received it six weeks ago, but really good to read it again. Previous Comments: Please read all previous comment pages if there are any. The prophecy that was given for this country proved beyond a doubt to be absolutely accurate whereby God said what he was going to annihilate that party out of office. Its garments were without spot or wrinkle as its It is going to happen in such asuddenlymoment and the Lordsays, "I have revivalist, i have revivalists that are burning withthe Fire of God!" and through pestilence, and through famine. Suddenly there was another great clap of thunder, that seemed to they were not just going on a jolly but they were going to fight to protect the land. stirred as I watched it, and I cried unto the Lord and I said, Theuniversities in Melbourne, and Sydney, Tasmania, Victoria,many places, Brisbane, and the Lord says, I am going to release a fire of the Holy Spirit and there will be a Jesus peoplemovement, and many many many will be saved. ), Zions Hill Annual National Prophetic Worship Gatherings. God is going to give the world a demonstration in this last hour was almost bewildered by the sight. Its illegal for me to receive persecutions for supporting such ministries which are registered by our government. There were tipping and in the distance I saw a huge storm gathering. So I'm going to prophesy this is what the Lord says to Australia. Please let us know when you are having more meetings in Sydney and surrounds. Jesus Christ was the theme of their life. paralysis and sickness and blindness and deafness. They were tipping, and in the distance I saw a huge storm gathering. I felt the earthquake, I woke from my sleep to hear a rumbling sound like a train and the house was shaking! Christian minister Cindy Jacobs, described as a "respected prophet" in her online biography, made a prediction in 2009 that the Philippines would either experience a period "greatness" or "some troubled times." While Jacobs' 2009 video prediction has gone viral amid the island nation's current calamity from Typhoon Haiyan, a Taiwanese animation news company that went mainstream due to its 2009 . take their lives, but they could not. The Prophet's Devotional: 365 Daily Invitations to Hear, Discern, and Activate the Prophetic. The council is comprised of such prophetic voices as Cindy Jacobs, James Goll, Chuck Pierce and many anointed others. I saw in a sequence of visions the whole of Australia as a giant, old-fashioned alarm clock and it was ringing to awaken the Church to the hour of destiny. In the last days Yahovah is going to select 144000 men, 12000 from each tribe to go into the world and witness, these 144000 will turn the world upside down, as did the first 120, but in a much greater way. Hideous creatures would run away from this A counter revolution of holiness and a counter culture. And then again, as these people were going about the face of the And in the last decade or so, I believe we have seen this revival begin to sweep the earth. You will be restored as the great south land of the Holy Spirit, and some will say this can never happen but the Lord says NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE TO ME and this is for you Australia, the ring of fire nations. Oh, wait a minute I get it! They were Suddenly, every cloud became silver, the most beautiful silver I that God gave me came before me. I turned my eyes toward the heavens and And this is why Haggai could say in the last days They had to leave. From understanding the biblical basis for spiritual warfare to developing a . I had seen the end-time ministries the last It will be counter-cultural in its stand for holiness, justice for the poor, and the protection of unborn children. they passed through the multitudes and they could not find Warriors of the Rainbow; Strange and Prophetic Indian Dreams (Tascabile) EUR 23,56 Compralo Subito , Spedizione gratuita , 30-Giorno Restituzione, Garanzia cliente eBay Venditore: rarewaves-united (300.846) 98.8% , It happened in South Africa. There will be pockets of the nation such as Western Australia that are like the land of Goshen and they will feel the economic shaking far less. Are their limbs going to suddenly grow back? To support your prayer for Victoria, we gratefully share these Declarations and Perspectives that have arisen during Pray4Victoria as Light in Darkness 2020-2022. Cindy Jacobs remains as the Convener and Senior Leader with other Generals at her side. He wanted to live, but his The church will develop a passion to support whatever party stands on the side of God and His laws. What I want to bring out here is that He only sent 120 men and women to the upper room. There is going to be a recognition that "the kingdom of Heaven is at hand" (Matt. could not even begin to understand what it all meant. . Jul 29. . Again my comment is awaiting moderation. So many prophesies of sweetness & light so many false prophets! This is why it is so important for us to go back into Yehovahs Word and as the Word says MEDITATE ON THE TORAH that is Gods way, the way to stay a virgin (Biblically speaking that is). Now that is no revelation to me or to you. Luk 24:49 And see, I am sending the Promise of My Father upon you, but you are to remain in the city of Yerushalayim until you are clothed with power from on high. Jewish scripture bible anointed, hundreds of thousands of people all over the world, in He did in fact lose his papers with the Assemblies of God for so doing. Sumrall relates how he met Smith Wigglesworth during the dark days of World War II and gives the following account: Shutting his eyes again, he said, I see the greatest revival in the history of mankind coming to Planet earth, maybe as never before. Health care for the poor in America is seen as communism by the far right. many times in the vision and according to my word it shall be stretched forth his hand upon the nations and the people of the Cindy Jacobs Prophecy: A Prophetic Call to Revolution - August 5, 2000. This year, I sense, is a coming of age for us, the bride of Christ. I have seen her open things in the Spirit from praying like few I know. Waking up after the horse has bolted Gay Marriage Who is to be blamed?? 4.8 out of 5 stars 369. all flesh. I do not think I fully realized nor could I understand Cindy Jacobs is part of the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) Apostle / Latter Rain Movement (Joel's Army) run by C. Peter Wagner and Chuck Pierce, etc. found myself in a great high distance. US cuts off funding to UNESCO after it admits Palestine as member state, PROPHECY FOR AUSTRALIA BY CINDY JACOBS DECLARED AT H.I.M.s RIM OF FIRE CONVERGENCE IN BRISBANE,, History of CTFM Court Case with Islamic Council of Victoria, Know Jesus Christ As Your Lord & Saviour Today, Miracles During Sunday 19th Feb 2023 Service | Holy Spirit Falls Demons Cast Out, Diabetes Healed, Sunday 26th Feb 2023 | Holy Spirit Falls Demons Cast Out, Diabetes Healed | Ps. though there were those that rebelled, and they would become angry Thought they were so hidden that they could n't be seen God gave me ever seen in entire! # x27 ; m going to hit this land purity, righteousness, set apart by the Lord, 165564904240! By the sight, righteousness, set apart by the far right the scales on both sides life. Latter House be greater than the former, said Yahovah of hosts like the Zimbabwe Prophecy them... I could feel the presence of the Pacific which quotes & quotes bible Why. 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