o Demonstrated outstanding level of competence, established a unique GPC tracking system, enables unmatched accountability. He delivered 428 tons of critical Class I-IX cargo over the Main Supply Routes (MSRs) in Iraq servicing fourteen forward operating bases. Thanks! His quick action helped save all adjacent rooms. As a Drill Sergeant in Echo Company, 1-34th Infantry Battalion, SSG Doe transformed over 600 young men and women into hardened Soldiers prepared for combat. ACHIEVEMENT #3 _RANK & Name_ was an integral part of the company supply section. He maintained and developed all-source intelligence products that were instrumental in planning and conducting battalion operations resulting in the capture of over 42 battalion and brigade high value targets. o coordinated successful redeployment of 1,300 personnel and their equipment from Iraq to the U.S. of an 11 Company strong BN, o supervised all mandatory clearing activities from COB Adder and Kuwait of 11 Companies and the BN, o oversight contributed to zero containers being delayed in Kuwait during redeploymento NCOIC of ADVON to Kuwait that was instrumental in the successful throughput of BN soliders and equipment to the US, o section operated at high level with total professionalism during final months of deployment when attentions can be diverted, o recognized all Soldiers in his section for missions completed during OIF 09-11o mentored junior supply sergeants through redeployment process utilizing experience from previous redeployments, o executed comprehensive RIP-TOA with incoming BN, o trained CO supply sergeants continuously in accountability during final months to ensure no surprises during redeployment, o responsible for successful input in LIW and tracking of BN equipment into the RESET program to final turn-in at Ft. All thiis was done while completing an $8 million Report of Survey at the direction of the DCG. Driving over 4,363 accident/incident free miles, SGT Doe earned the recognition of high miler NCO for three consecutive quarters. During this time, LTC Doe managed the day to day management of OID's three branches and the directing of support operations wih the ACE. SSG Rowan volunteered and deployed with a Military Intelligence company and acted as their Supply NCOIC. use with MOS 11B, 11C, 11H, 11M, 19D, 88M, and 92Y. Thanks for your service and your support. His actions are in keeping with the finest traditions of military service and reflect credit upon himself, this Command, and the United States Army. As a direct result of his exceptional duty performance and superb analytical skills, SPC Doe was chosen over six other intelligence analysts to work in the DCS, G2 Combating Terrorism (CT) Branch. His efforts were directly responsible for freeing thousands of gigabytes of scarce BCT SIPRNET bandwidth. His input in this effort prompted many initiatives that proved vital to the counter-IED fight in the BCT operational environment including increasing the brigade's ratio of found to detonated IEDs. During this period, she was able to significantly contribute to in-depth analytical assessments, complex link analysis diagrams, and other products associated with exploiting information for the benefit of current operations. As the only Government Purchase Cardholder in Alpha Battery, SPC ---- was repsonsible for keeping the battery supplied with essential supplies and materials and reconciling the credit card and budget. He provided key analytical contributions to intelligence assessments and quality control for the Division Intelligence Summary. SPC Doe served as a medium wheeled vehicle operator displaying phenomenal devotion to mission accomplishment in support of OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM. His efforts and recent policy breakthroughs have made the IDC a formidable tool in support of CT analysis. His revitalization of the unit's NCO professional development program emboldened his NCOsfrom the most junior team chief to his most senior platoon sergeantto improve the quality of leadership and training within the unit. His duties included the daily quality control of all written and oral intelligence products from OID, and the supervision of intelligence integration into Force Protection efforts. HELP! # 1: During his tenure in Company Command, CPT Edwards maintained a DMOSQ rate of 95% within his company, an improvement or more than 27% since taking command. Bullets comments are used to explain any . He researched and produced all-source analyst comments for over 1,200 HUMINT reports for the brigade's Graphic Intelligence Summary. She analyzed requirements and resources and developed the new structured layout of the class IX yard, which simplified the process of issuing and receiving parts. He spearheaded the establishment of company operations immediately upon arrival to _BASE_ and to _BASE_ after our jump . He/She assisted with the distribution and issue of over __#__ bottles of water during deployment. ACHIEVEMENT #2__RANK & Name__ 's dedication to duty and desire to accomplish the mission, coupled with an intense personal pride, set his/her well above his/her peers. He/She assisted with the issue of Class I supplements for over _#_ personnel in the battalion area of operations. This threat briefing was continuously hailed by the G2 for its effectiveness in the understanding of the worldwide terrorism threat. LESSON 1 Examples include 63H, 52X, and 63B. His/Her driven performance kept ____Echo Company ahead of the rest of the ________ Brigade in relation to their Standard Army Management Information System (STAMIS) readiness upon arrival to _________________. He served as a Battalion S-2 and Brigade Assistant S-2 during the 3rd Brigade's rotation at the Joint Readiness Training Center, as well normal live fire exercises, and numerous other training events. An Army Unit Supply Specialist (MOS 92Y) is tasked with performing work in a warehouse setting. Description: The QM-FTX is a 72-96 hour Scenario driven FTX that is conducted in a tactical . o Efficiently inventoried, and distributed property valued at $50,000.00; zero loss of the commander's organizational property. SFC Doe served as the Combating Team Brach (CTB) NCOIC ensuring the ever increasing requirements for this newest branch were always fulfilled. SPC Doe displayed a high level of competence and professionalism while serving as a team leader for 1st squad. With little notice, SGT Doe became a subject matter expert providing timely and relevant intelligence and the Counterterrorism/Force Protection Team NCOIC after the events of September 11, thereby keeping the CG and his staff abreast of developing intelligence in the terrorism and force protection arena and directly impacting force protection of the command's ASG areas. To contribute examples, please enter them below and click Submit. Training To Become A 92Y Unit Supply Specialist As an entry level soldier in the United States Army, the first training you will receive is Basic Combat Training (BCT). ACHIEVEMENT #3 __RANK & Name__ vigorously accepted the challenge of acting as both Company Supply NCO and Clerk. Sergeant Laverdure's performance reflects great credit upon himself, the 4th Brigade Combat Team and the United States Army. COMMAND POST NCOIC EOT ARCOM. Issues and receives small arms and ammunition. SGT Doe assisted the motor sergeant numerous times in performing 3rd Shop level services, significantly reducing vehicle downtime, and keeping the fleet at a 95 percent readiness rate throughout the deployment. ACHIEVEMENT #3 __RANK & Name__ provided assistance and military oversight to ___ contracted food service workers in performing proper receiving and storing of Class I subsistence, sanitation, food preparation, and serving. SGT Doe was responsible for the accountability and maintenance of over $1,000,000 worth of government equipment. We appreciate all your emails and will do our best to improve this site for you, the Soldier. As executive officer while in Iraq, LT Doe led over 20 company patrols in support of Brigade operations throughout the AOR. ArmyNCO.com's Develops NCOER Bullets - Your only source for NCOER Bullets to aid in completing IVg Develops on the DA FORM 2166-9 (NCOER). His resourcefulness and efficiency enabled CTB to maintain the highest state of readiness. ACHIEVEMENT #2_RANK & Name_ performance greatly contributed to the serviceability and accountability of the unit's equipment. 32 . PFC Doe set himself apart from his peers by simultaneously attending the GT improvement course and successfully completing his challenging duties as a medium wheeled vehicle operator, supporting the Combat Outpost distribution mission. As the Black Book NCOIC, SGT Doe compiled the daily Commanding General's Black Book. SPC Doe was responsible for the production of 10 specific CT threat slides viewed by senior officials including national and foreign agencies and Command leadership. She was an integral part of the tech supply section by maintaining parts worth 3,175,00 for 11 ACFT. Between February and June 2007, the brigade integrated three additional combat maneuver battalions into its force as part of the Baghdad Security Plan surge. LTC Doe and his team were noted by the Division CG for the professionalism and situational awareness they brought to the successful POTUS visit. Character Bullets; Presence Bullets; Intellect Bullets; Leads Bullets; Develops Bullets; . His level of personal responsibility ensured that the JSIIDS and CCTV systems were operational and ready at a moments notice for use by the Provost Marshall. For meritorious service in support of Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 17th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion. SGT Mixon set himself apart from his peers by obtaining a 95 percent overall average and becoming the honor graduate of Class 13-01 unit supply specialist (92Y) Advanced Individual Training (AIT). Using her knowledge of intelligence analysis and technical skills, SGT Doe become the CTB/G2 expert on Microsoft FrontPage and trained 5 additional individuals to use the software. SGT Doe was instrumental in the accomplishment of company training requirements. Did Not Meet Standard. During three command inspections, SPC Doe maintained zero shortages of his equipment. SGT Doe's devotion to mission accomplishment and dynamic leadership style enabled him to attain outstanding results as Mission Commander for Deliberate Combat Logistics Patrols (DCLPs). You will use DA Form 638. Sergeant Shaw developed several automated solutions which increased precision and accuracy, while reducing the man-hours required for Equipment On-Hand and Equipment Readiness reporting for USR and Training Support Request Management. Her extensive interaction within Camp Bondsteel and 21st TSC ensured aircraft parts were ordered and tracked in a timely and efficient manner. He was tasked personally by the S2 to continue producing the product. SGT Doe consistently set the example for all of the Soldiers and civilians around him. The upgrades greatly increased the squad's ability to perform logistics operations. SPC Doe volunteered to serve as the BCT indirect fire analyst upon his arrival to Baghdad. ACHIEVEMENT #1__RANK & Name__ took the initiative when leadership was not present. SPC Doe directly contributed to the safe accomplishment of the Transportation Detachment's mission. While attached to Delta Company, SGT Doe served as the Battle NCO in the Delta Company Tactical Operations Center. 92Y Unit Supply Specialist Add to List Contact a Recruiter Job Overview Enlisted Officer Active Duty Army Reserve Army National Guard Entry Level As the Unit Supply Specialist, you'll be responsible for supervising and maintaining all Army supplies and equipment. 92y arcom bullets. Served as the Government Purchasing agent for Alpha Battery from ------- until------. Hood, o ensured 100% accountability of BN sensitive items from Iraq to US, o instrumental in zero shortages in forward property books when merged to rear property books, o improved Battalion supply, maintenance, and financial programs and produced a 20% increase in Battalion equipment serviceability rates, o administered supply and logistics so well that the Battalion completed its Army Training and Evaluation Programs and two major field exercises ahead of schedule, o recognized by Squadron commander for phenomenal property accountability procedures during change of command and unit reset operations, o had to be constantly reminded to counsel and mentor Soldiers on a regular basis (needs improvement), o placed first place during 504th MP Bn command supply discipline inspection, o maintained 100% accountability of all assigned equipment, worth in excess of $5.5 million, o arranged specialized transportation for the deployment of six working dogs and six working dog teams to Iraq, o efforts during pre-mobilization and mobilization ensured the unit arrived in theater equipped for and ready for missions, o supplied material support for over 25 vehicle convoys in and aroud the City of Al Hillah, Iraq, o selected by the 42d CSM to instruct the JBLM Post-Partum physical training program, o consolidated, maintained stock of repair parts during movement from FOB Delta to COS Kalsu ALSU, ensured minimal down time for the maintenance section, o received recognition from the 8th Army Commander and CSM for rewriting of the arms room standing operating procedures (92Y40G3), - received a 90% on the supply room's inspection for the Operational Readiness Survey. He was personally responsible for one M915A4 tractor, two M872 trailers, and all assigned basic issue items valued at 257,908 dollars. SGT Yost received a first time go on the Government Purchase Card annual Audit, accounting for over $90,000 worth of equipment and supplies. trained battalion and brigade reenlistment NCOs to win 1st Qtr FY91 Reenlistment Award; researched, designed and executed highly realistic cavalry scout combat . SPC Doe inspired others in the squad to put forth maximum effort into their own training and resulted in the squad's APFT average increasing from 217 to 252 points. ACHIEVEMENT #1 SFC _____ volunteered for deployment to Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom ____, where he served as a Tactical Mentor and Trainer for seven months.Assigned to National Training Mission Afghanistan (NTMA) out of Camp _____, Kabul, he embedded with an Afghan Anny training facility in order to train and certify combat readiness and deploy-ability of Afghan Anny . o Researches/Verifies supply requirements, keeps up-to-date on new requirements, receives supplies on-time and on-budget. He personally answered over 100 RFIs from higher, subordinate and adjacent units. To contribute examples, use this form. Her commitment to higher learning set the example for fellow Soldiers to follow which resulted in four other members of the squad enrolling in distance education programs. PFC Doe excelled in his duties as a medium wheeled vehicle operator. What is the best OER/NCOER/award bullet you have seen? SGT Doe displayed phenomenal devotion to physical excellence while deployed in a high operational tempo area of Iraq enabling him to achieve a 298 on his Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT), the highest score in the detachment. Products created were viewed by national level foreign agencies as well as senior level leadership. ArmyNCO.com's Presence NCOER Bullets - Your only source for NCOER Bullets to aid in completing Part IVd Presence on the DA FORM 2166-9 (NCOER). While temporarily deployed in support of Task Force Eagle, SGT Doe assumed the duties of the Special Security Representative. Her expertise in the Balkans region filled many intelligence gaps. Thanks! He spent countless hours ensuring that his assigned vehicle system was in top condition and at 10/20 standard. He was the chairperson for two of the most successful G2 Organizational Day picnics that provided outstanding food, entertainment, and camaraderie for over 250 people. To ensure that the squad was able to properly account for all assigned equipment, SGT Doe devised and implemented a system of marking squad and individual equipment, which facilitated easy identification of Basic Issue Items (BII) and other pieces of organizational equipment. Throughout the deployment, PFC Doe consistently performed his demanding duties in an exemplary and highly professional manner. ArmyNCO.com's Presence NCOER Bullets. Find achievements that you like and click on the, If you can't find you an example or want to contribute, please head over to our ". Photo Credit: Troy Langenburg Courtesy of U.S. Army Award Citations A multitude of sample Army award citations to aid in writing effective Army awards that get approved the first time. __RANK & Name__ assumed the responsibilities of the Supply NCO while the former Supply NCO transitioned out of the Army. This allowed for the production of a well-defined intelligence annex and appendices essential to the operations order. Gives loyalty and leadership support to the chain of command. Due to his contributions, the system was operational within two weeks, enhancing the commander's ability to establish links between terrorist cells and possible activity. The Pentagon recognition program was established in 1998 to provide an area to recognize our enlisted members on a quarterly basis. His engineered improvements were quickly adopted and recognized as a vast improvement over previous means of intelligence dissemination. ACHIEVEMENT #1__RANK & Name__ distinguished herself/himself through her/his excellent performance while conducting the Company's change of command in __Date__. His/Her military bearing and commitment set the standard for others to emulate. While serving as the BN S-4 NCOIC, SFC XXXXX maintained and supervised the accountability of equipment with a cumulative value of over $1.2 billion and reduced shortages by $1.7 million across six batteries. Stepped up to take on extra shifts, enabling other watch personnel to participate in social functions in order to represent the American contingent to the international community with the highest standards. turn-in of 3,103 lines valued at $209M-managed and coached 32 Soldiers and nine NCOs to maintained operational readiness which contribute to the SSA rated #1 in the Division-established and displayed a genuine atmosphere of pride and professionalism for her Soldiers DEVELOPS: (Met Standard)-motivated and mentored four Soldiers to the rank of Sergeant and one Sergeant to the rank of Staff . Through her/his hard work and organizational skills, __RANK & Name__ ensured the change of command inventories were thorough, all shortages accounted for, and the incoming commander remained well informed. And commitment set the example for all of the Soldiers and civilians around him quality! Have seen 92Y ) is tasked with performing work in a timely and efficient manner members on a basis. 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